Dwarf Hairgrass


Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2012
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So my LFS just got some dwarf hairgrass in and I couldn't resist buying it, but upon further research I think I might not be able to grow it. Right now in my 10 gallon where it's gonna go hopefully I'm running two 7 watt cfls for 14 watts total and I'm dosing trace and macro/micro nutrients once a week, and no co2. So would I need t add co2 and increase th lights to grow them?

Hairgrass grows fine under low light mate, with no CO2. One question tho, why are you dosing macro and not using CO2, or are you using liquid carbon?
I'm dosing them because my plants had been doing pretty poorly and I talked to someone who suggested a low dose. I tried it and it's working great. So I've got my fert schedule pretty much worked out just wondered if the dwarf hairgrass would do well under these conditions.
If your gonna dose liquid carbon you'll need ferts containing N&P as well, I'm sure the plants will do fine without carbon but will grow faster with it.

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