I have one. Beautiful fish, but he's a crazy fish
Exhibit 1. Upon arrival, he decimated floating plants in 5 to 7 days, only to then cower and hide in decorations because now he has the entire tank surface exposed.
Exhibit 2. After doing so, started to go down in the tank, bothering the neons first, then the cories, and even the otto and the snails, he pokes at them making the fall off th glass.
Exhibit 3. He did it for food! He's always hungry, not like a normal fish who will eat whenever he's fed, no. This guy is ETERNALLY hungry and will chase off and poke anything and anyone he sees as competition for food.
Lastly, even being in his own tank, with a reasonable number of plants, he'll still freak out when the light is turned on or off in the tank and will go on a frenzy, almost bouncing off the sides.
But... I love him and my son "officially" said it was HIS fish, and has kept his side of the deal (feeding, cleaning, water changes) and just sits there patiently and watches him at any given time. And that has earned "Mr. Blurami" his own tank and place in our house.
He's been with me since February, seems hardy enough, and I hope he won't ever develop dgd.