Dwarf Gourami vs. Paradise Fish


New Member
Apr 9, 2020
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Atlanta, GA
I apologize if this question has been asked before. My paradise fish died earlier today. He was probably my favorite fish in the tank- he was super curious and would just swim directly in front of wherever I was looking in the tank like "hey, what are you doing? Why aren't you looking at *me?*" Before I add another labyrinth fish to the tank, I figured I would check out my options. I know dwarf gouramis are slightly different in their requirements than paradise fish- as they need to be kept in groups of 2 to 3- but other than that are the requirements different? Do dwarf gouramis get along in community tanks better than paradise fish? And do they both have a similar inquisitive nature?
Unless you can obtain Dwarf Gourami direct from a reliable breeder, it may be best to avoid. Many SE Asian raised DG carry the iridovirus.

The honey Gourami is quite similar, and safe (so far as we know). I've no idea how they interact with the aquarist. There are many gourami, some very aggressive, others fairly peaceful up to a point anyway. Knowing the tank size, other fish, and parameters might help members suggest species.
Unless you can obtain Dwarf Gourami direct from a reliable breeder, it may be best to avoid. Many SE Asian raised DG carry the iridovirus.

The honey Gourami is quite similar, and safe (so far as we know). I've no idea how they interact with the aquarist. There are many gourami, some very aggressive, others fairly peaceful up to a point anyway. Knowing the tank size, other fish, and parameters might help members suggest species.
It's a community tank, a 55 gallon, with the only two semi-aggressive species populating the tank being the paradise fish that passed and a rainbow shark. I have relatively hard water (150 ppm) with a pH around 6.8. It's moderately planted with some driftwood and a number of other hiding spots.

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