Dwarf Gourami Male


Feb 27, 2012
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London, UK
Recently my 55l tank got infected with Dwarf Gourami Disease from new stock from the local store. I lost lots of fish and swapped the remaining ones for a pair of rams and a betta which are doing fine.

I miss my male dwarf gourami though!

I am thinking of putting a male in my 225l tank which I know is not effected, however it is pretty much stocked as it is so I do not want to put a couple of females in as well.

Will it be OK to add JUST a male? Other fish include Angels, Swordtails, Platties, Harlequins, Khuli Loaches, Glass Cats, Penguin, Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, Male Guppies.


Males can live without females no problem. BUT if you do decide to add one I'd watch things between it and the angels.
Stocking compatibility wise, it should be ok. Personally, I recommend against adding a male and recommend that you work on current stocking, which probably would involve decreasing the total number of species in the tank.
I keep a single male with guppies, cardinal tetra and cories. No problems yet. I love my DG, he's a great fish. Loads of personality, very interesting. I wish I knew what he thinks about, he's always clearly thinking about something.

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