dwarf frogs


New Member
Apr 26, 2004
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Do dwarf frogs hide underneath the gravel or substrate?
I have a dwarf frog in my tank along with 3 blackskirt tetras (pink) and 3 zebra danios and now i cant find him!!!!!
He hasnt been seen for 24 hours!
I have a hole in my cover though to let the top of the heater through and the wires for the filter and air pump.
Could he have gotten out ??
does he hide underneath things?
Could he have been killed and eaten (despite having small fish i think anything is a possibility!!)

can anyone help because i put in live blood worm and he hasnt even made an appearance for them!!!
Hi there, I have never had any of mine hide under the gravel but they do like to hide so if you have any plants in your tank, it could be hiding under a leaf. They are masters at hiding. I have four and sometimes I look in the tank and it seems no one is home.

He could very well have escaped but he wouldn't last very long outside of the water. He would dry up and die rather quickly. I would check around the tank to see if he made his way out. I do suggest you plug up the holes you have in your lid just in case he is still in the tank though.

It's highly unlikey he would have been eaten.

Let us know when you find him.
Well like i mentioned originally i do have a hole in my lid.
The reason being i needed to fit the heater so i needed to cut a hole in both covers.
I also have a smaller long gap for the electrical wires.

What would be the chance of him getting out? i only put them all in the tank yesterday.
The fish seem fine but my little buddy has just vanished!!
And what woried me more is that he hasnt come out for blood worm and it is the first time he has had food since yesterday afternoon (at the shop i bought them from)
I am sat watching the tank like a hawk hoping to see him, Which will be quite hard anyway because he is gold and i have light goldy coloured sand type gravel in!!!

I thought he had gone last night and he was sat on the sucker that holds my thermometer to the tank!! then he was sat between the filter and the glass, so he does seem to be a hider.

I did look behind and under the unit the tank is on and i havent found him yet!!!!i also looked on all the plants and he isnt on or under any off the leaves!! (its not sounding very good is it!)
fingers crossed he is hiding!!!!
If you just put him into the tank, you might not see him for several days. They are excellent at hiding.

Do you have rocks, driftwood, or other possible hiding spots in the tank?
i have a big amphora urn thing that has bubbles coming out of it. and i have a big rock made out of white/pink quartz. I also have two plants, on with broad leaves (big enough for him to sit on) and a smaller leaved plant.
But the gravel is really fine soft gravel, like really big grains of sugar.

So do you think the chances of him hiding are bigger than the chances of him getting out??
The hole at the back is quite big!

also will he have put in blood worm and he hasnt come out for food! which makes me worry!
Panic over !!!
Yey he is in the tank!!! :kana:
frogs really are good at hiding!!! i searched th tank all over and couldnt see him the only thing i could think of is that he was under the gravel!!
Thanks for the advice!!!!
Problem with a hiding Frog? thats quite simple really, they tend to be more confident in groups of five or six, really i couldnt find mine for ages, but the more frogs i added the bolder they got, also it increases the ratio that youre likely to see the little guys in any case...... another thing worth considering is that they simply adore any worm based food so frozen bloodorms could do the trick in tempting him out. The use of plants and scenery only adds for the natural effect in the tank and i can garuntee that you will find them in all sorts of weird and wonderful poses from hanging upside down to doing the crane stance!
tropicana said:
Panic over !!!
Yey he is in the tank!!! :kana:
frogs really are good at hiding!!! i searched th tank all over and couldnt see him the only thing i could think of is that he was under the gravel!!
Thanks for the advice!!!!
Glad to hear that your frog has been found but PLEASE tape up those large areas where he could escape because from everything I have read, they are excellent at hiding and they are also excellent escape artists!
this is a bit sick :sick:
(my tank has got a hood and is 2 foot in lenth before enyone is confused) i had 2 frogs (jonny and plank) in a goldfish tank ( i have changed to tropical now) and after about two weeks of owning the little critters plank thought it would be funny to say go on a little adventure under my bed (the fish tank is in my bedroom) the day after i took my goldfish in to swap for tropical my dog zak thought it was funny to chew on planks meaty flat goodness. :D

well thanks for reading this.


ps your frog will have got out as they do not go under gravel or you might of squeshed hm by accident as they think it is funny to kling onto rocks when you are moving the rocks. :fun:
i used to have two dwarf frogs. they hid alot. but the biggest problem to the frogs were the zebra danios. they always stole the frogs food and can be bullies. frogs can be skittish and shy and either need to be in large numbers especially around fast fish like danio's or with slow moving fish like neons.

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