Dwarf Frog Introduction


Fish Fanatic
Jan 11, 2012
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Currently introducing 2 dwarf frogs to the fighting fish tank (48ltr).
I'll keep you posted on how the introduction goes!

Currently tempering the bag they came in.


How big is the tank? I want to add 1 or 2 ADFs to my betta tank, but he is in a 5 gallon. And I'm scared they will fight. He has been alone since I got him. His tank is next to my fry tank. I had to put a piece of paper between the tanks so he couldn't see them. He was flaring at the mom. (sunset MM platy)
How big is the tank? I want to add 1 or 2 ADFs to my betta tank, but he is in a 5 gallon. And I'm scared they will fight. He has been alone since I got him. His tank is next to my fry tank. I had to put a piece of paper between the tanks so he couldn't see them. He was flaring at the mom. (sunset MM platy)
Our betta tank is 48ltr or around 10g.
I think that with the tank size you have it would be a risky introduction, he will have established his territory now.
It isn't unworkable but not something I would advise.
I didn't think so. I am going to try to get a 5 gallon for 3 ADFs. I had one all set up and ready. Then I had a pregnant platy. Looks like that's my fry tank now! lol
I didn't think so. I am going to try to get a 5 gallon for 3 ADFs. I had one all set up and ready. Then I had a pregnant platy. Looks like that's my fry tank now! lol
Haha, that's probably a much better idea in the long run!
Bettas are fantastic fish to keep but they are so bloody tempremental! Lol
All seems pretty good so far, they both seem happy enough in there, so far a successful introduction!
i have three of these guys :)with my betta
yeah, they're actually a lot of fun to watch arnt they, awesome little things :D
yeh specially when they are feeding and hold of each others mouths lol mine like to sit in my hand and they love nets when i try to catch a fish with my nets i have a look in the net theres always a frog lol

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