Ok. So I'm wondering if I can put two of each of these in like a 30 to 35 gallon tank. Do you think that that will work out if i put some sort of carriage (1-3). Thanks
If there are enough hiding places and you keep at least 2-3 females to the males it might work although i think you would be better of with one type and having 1 male and a few females.
For catfish if you want something fairly active i would go for Hoplos or Flag tailed hoplo/Dianema urostriatum or maybe one of the smaller types of plecs or whiptails.
I found my 129 l tank housed some comunity fish and a trio of cacs but as soon as i had 1 batch of fry and the other laid eggs, she was killed within days even tho the caves were at different ends of the tank (3ft by 1.5ft)