Dwarf Cichlid Tank


Fish Herder
Apr 22, 2009
Reaction score
West yorkshire
Ok so i finaly have the 20gal cycled and running with plants and small peice of bogwood and saturday is the big day, after buying some larger bogwood and a few more plants i'm getting the fish :D .

The tank currently has

x1 Bristlenose plec
x1 peppered cory

so i need to get a definate 4 more corys bringing my stocking to:

x1 Bristlenose plec
x5 Varied corys (not sure what will be available)

But apart from that i'm needing advise on the stocking and sex ratios of some dwarf cichlids. I deffinately want at least one male cockatoo when i can find one but thats the onlything set in stone at the minuit, other cichlids i have seen have been:

dwarf umbrellas (not sure on the other name although i did research it)
apistogramma aggazizis
Golden Rams/ German blue rams

I'm also stuck for a nice shoaling fish that would compliment the cichlids well, All advise is appreciated and welcome especially about aggression issues that may result from more than one male cichlid in the tank (different speciese) as i wasnt sure about this. I also would appreciate any info about neon dwarf rainbow fish although i'm almost certain the 20gal is too small for them.
I know someone on another forum called FreshWaterMadness that loves dwarfs. Want me to show him here or show you there?
I can't get into the site to reach him.
Ok so i finaly have the 20gal cycled and running with plants and small peice of bogwood and saturday is the big day, after buying some larger bogwood and a few more plants i'm getting the fish :D .

The tank currently has

x1 Bristlenose plec
x1 peppered cory

so i need to get a definate 4 more corys bringing my stocking to:

x1 Bristlenose plec
x5 Varied corys (not sure what will be available)

But apart from that i'm needing advise on the stocking and sex ratios of some dwarf cichlids. I deffinately want at least one male cockatoo when i can find one but thats the onlything set in stone at the minuit, other cichlids i have seen have been:

dwarf umbrellas (not sure on the other name although i did research it)
apistogramma aggazizis
Golden Rams/ German blue rams

I'm also stuck for a nice shoaling fish that would compliment the cichlids well, All advise is appreciated and welcome especially about aggression issues that may result from more than one male cichlid in the tank (different speciese) as i wasnt sure about this. I also would appreciate any info about neon dwarf rainbow fish although i'm almost certain the 20gal is too small for them.

Ok, stocking wise you can have a pair of Cockaoo's/Agassizi's/Borelli's and a pair of Bolivian Rams. For shoaling fish i would say some form of Tetra (Neon, Cardinal, Rummy-nose, Black Phantom, Lemon, Silvertip etc.). Have a quick look at this: http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=309244&hl=
Thats great! thanks so much.
So just to clarify i could keep one pair of dwarfs (i'm really not all too bothered about breeding) or a mix of them?
Thats great! thanks so much.
So just to clarify i could keep one pair of dwarfs (i'm really not all too bothered about breeding) or a mix of them?

Well depending on the dimensions of the tank you could have two pairs.
Sorry for the late reply, i lost one of my bettas and it wasn't too plesant cleaning his tank ready for some ADF's and guppies at the weekend.

Tank dimensions are 32"L 12"W 15"H, pretty odd dimensions but it has plenty of length and is going to be modereatly/ heavily planted with plenty of hidey holes.
Sorry for the late reply, i lost one of my bettas and it wasn't too plesant cleaning his tank ready for some ADF's and guppies at the weekend.

Tank dimensions are 32"L 12"W 15"H, pretty odd dimensions but it has plenty of length and is going to be modereatly/ heavily planted with plenty of hidey holes.

Ok then with a tank that size you could have two pairs. So somwthing like a pair of Agassizi's and a pair of Bolivian Rams.
I disagree, in those dimensions you could only just fit one pair of bolivians. If you mixed the bolivians with another pair of cichlids there would be alot of arguments.
I disagree, in those dimensions you could only just fit one pair of bolivians. If you mixed the bolivians with another pair of cichlids there would be alot of arguments.

So a tank that is almost 3ft is only big enought for a pair of rams! Bolivian's would be fine with another species. Have you ever kept Bolivian's with other Cichlids or is this just something you have read? You did say in July that you have:

Been doing a bit of reading and a few people have mixed cockatoos and bolivian rams together happily.

So i dont understand, looks like im not the only one that thinks that they would be fine. Could you please enlighten us?
In all honesty the bolivians arn't the priority, i'd much prefer 2 pairs of dwarfs if possible although fry is an after thought.
In all honesty the bolivians arn't the priority, i'd much prefer 2 pairs of dwarfs if possible although fry is an after thought.

Bolivians were used as an example. As long as the two pairs look different to each other they will be fine. Another example would be a pair of Cockatoo's and a pair of Borelli's.
If you're going to quote me I'd appreciate you also saying what sized tank the person was enquiring about mixing in.

And I'm talking with regards to my own rams. My tank has a footprint 80cm x 35cm, I have 2 Bolivians, and they bicker alot due to being both males. I would presume it would actually become a problem if you put a different pair of cichlids in with them. Because unless the bolivians paired up then they would both want a territory of around 40 x 30 just to themselves, adding another pair of cichlids could be a problem.

I just wanted you to know Pices...you know, just incase.

Oh by the way, drop the attitude andywatson.

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