Dwarf Cichlid Dithers


Fish Fanatic
Oct 13, 2008
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My current 3ft 190L set up contains:

2 x Bolivian Rams (1=M 2" 1=F 1")
1 x BN Plec
1 X Snowball Plec
1 x Jewel Cichlid 2" (Too agressive? Should I rehome?)

I want to add a shoal of bright active fish, any suggestions?

Also what are opinions on the Jewel?

Could I fit in a pair of Apisto's?

The jewel will annihilate the others when its mature, its only a juvi atm so aggression is only going to increase,

With the jewel gone, a pair of apistos would work nicely IMO

Dithers could include anything from lemon or pristella tetra, to harlequinns, or even something like platys or a few swords
The obvious most colourful dither fish are Cardinals or Neons, but don't overlook some of the others available. Harlequins are extremely colourful when settled and in a planted environment. The orangey-red that they display is great and extremely metallic.

The Jewel Cichlid does not really belong in the kind of setup that you have (fish) as they can be extremely aggressive and will more than likely dominate everything else in the tank.
I have a pair of Bolivians and a pair of Apisto. Cacatuiodes along with a nice shoal of 12 Harlequins. I found once the Harlequins were added the Cichlids started exploring a lot more.

Also Harlequins are really tight shoalers and really bright vivid colours when settled as minnnt says, a really great fish to have IMO.
Thanks for the replies! I think you are right, the jewel has to go, shame as he/she had coloured very nicely after settling in!

I will rehome the jewel and look at the Harlequins! What do you think Of Dwarf rasboras (Boraras Maculatus) ?
If you get decent numbers I can't see Dwarf rasbora being too much of a problem, they get to like 2 - 2.5cm right? Should be a good enough size to avoid being eaten but don't quote me on that :lol:

Should be ok though, my Cichlids have never really shown any aggression towards my Harlequins or corys... or anything for that matter apart from each other occasionally! :rolleyes:
I have Harlequins in with an Ellioti and they're 100% safe (famous last words!!) whether the smaller Rasboras would be safe would be a case of trial and error but would probably be fine.

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