My current 3ft 190L set up contains:
2 x Bolivian Rams (1=M 2" 1=F 1")
1 x BN Plec
1 X Snowball Plec
1 x Jewel Cichlid 2" (Too agressive? Should I rehome?)
I want to add a shoal of bright active fish, any suggestions?
Also what are opinions on the Jewel?
Could I fit in a pair of Apisto's?
My current 3ft 190L set up contains:
2 x Bolivian Rams (1=M 2" 1=F 1")
1 x BN Plec
1 X Snowball Plec
1 x Jewel Cichlid 2" (Too agressive? Should I rehome?)
I want to add a shoal of bright active fish, any suggestions?
Also what are opinions on the Jewel?
Could I fit in a pair of Apisto's?