Dwarf Blue Is Blue?


New Member
Feb 5, 2009
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[email protected]
Have had this gorgeous dwarf neon blue for 2 days. He is the sole fish in this tank. He continues to hide. Would he prefer a female friend or could he be happy with another male? I am getting several long finned white clouds next week. Also - I read that this gourami is incompatible with cardinal tetras - any thoughts? Tank is 40g heavily planted w/two filters and plants floating above.
Have had this gorgeous dwarf neon blue for 2 days. He is the sole fish in this tank. He continues to hide. Would he prefer a female friend or could he be happy with another male? I am getting several long finned white clouds next week. Also - I read that this gourami is incompatible with cardinal tetras - any thoughts? Tank is 40g heavily planted w/two filters and plants floating above.

I wouldn't worry about it. I bought a dwarf gourami about a month ago. After the first day he was nowhere to be found for three weeks. but as of 3 or 4 days ago he has been outrageously active... a great standout actually. my only advice is that you dont put any bigger fish in the tank that would bully him because he'll most likely become a miserable hider for the rest of his life. i also hear that two male dwarf gouramis dont go well together.

give it time though, he'll come out eventually.
I read that this gourami is incompatible with cardinal tetras - any thoughts?

I have a powder blue dwarf in with three black neons - not the same fish as cardinals, but neons are similar in appearance. They haven't had any problems together, have been in the same tank since last November. It may depend on the individual fish (I also have not read that they're incompatible, or I would have been concerned about putting these similar fish in). Hope that may help somewhat.
I just bought a powder blue gourami a few days ago and have both neon and cardinal tetras. My gourami swims all over the tank and has no issues with the neons. They get along very well. Just make sure you have enough space in the tank for them to swim about.
I have had cardinals and dwarf gourami's in together with no issues.

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