Dwarf Blue Gourami


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
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Ilive in the North East of Scotland
Hi All, Iwonder if anybody out there can give me any advice. I've had my Gourami for almost six months and he has been fine up until now. However since yesteday he has been hiding behind one of the plants and does not seem to want to swim about. As far as I can see he looks to OK oherwise. Any advice would be grateful.
Thanks in Advance John.
What other fish are in his tank? He may be trying to hide. Dwarf Gourami like to be in decent groups, so if you only have one then it might not feel so safe. (But I'm just getting back into this- I may be wrong.)
What other fish are in his tank? He may be trying to hide. Dwarf Gourami like to be in decent groups, so if you only have one then it might not feel so safe. (But I'm just getting back into this- I may be wrong.)

He is in with some Noen Tetras, Lemon Tetras, Serpae Tetras and Juli and Pepper Cories. He was given to me from another tank because they has two males and he was being bullied. He has had the same companions for the last six months and had been loking quite happy.
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Does he look pale or darker in colour.
Is he acting listless and lethagic.
What does it look like when he goes to the toilet.
Is he still eating well.
Need tank size and water stats.
Water quality is the first thing to look at.
I think he does look a bit pale and definately lethargic. I haven't noticed what it looks like when he goes to the toilet.
Sounds like one of my gouramis. Is he anything like this:

There is physically nothing on him; nothing wrong with his gills. He looks exactly the same except he just stares into space all day with his arms out.

I don't know how else to describe this, but it's as if he's blind almost... I can drop food literally on his head, which will sink all around him and it's like he doesn't even see it. He doesn't seem to be visually aware of anything, like he's in his own little world. I'm worried he'll die of starvation if nothing else.
I had a gourami do the same thing. Unfortunately he died. Never figured out what was wrong with him. Showed no signs of illness, no signs of injury. Just up and died. :(

I myself have had 6 blue dwarf gouramis and I have not had much luck with them. They seem to be a very fragile fish (health wise).

Good luck.
I had a gourami do the same thing. Unfortunately he died. Never figured out what was wrong with him. Showed no signs of illness, no signs of injury. Just up and died. :(

I myself have had 6 blue dwarf gouramis and I have not had much luck with them. They seem to be a very fragile fish (health wise).

Good luck.

yea me too shel, i must have had 8 or more, they seem to be suseptable to water quality, and get internal infections from any little thing, i did read somewhere that it the poor quality caused from breeding in vats and i also know loads of people with the same experience, everytime i see them im drawn to them but i have to resist as they will probably die. di
Only kept honey gourami once. They looked pale and lethagic. Tryed a bacterial med, but still lost them all.

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