Dwarf Angels


Fish Fanatic
Feb 7, 2010
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I was wondering if anyone could reccomend the easiest dwarf angelfish to look after for my 120litre nano cube??


I was wondering if anyone could reccomend the easiest dwarf angelfish to look after for my 120litre nano cube??



There are a few options open to you. The flame angel, flameback, Coral Beauty, Yellow Angel are all recommended for a US 30G tank, which roughly equates to 120L. Those 4 don't grow above 4" and the flameback 3". A word of caution though. They can be polyp nippers, so if you have or plan to have coral, you might want to rethink owning one.
I have a coral beauty. Very nice looking fish, active fish that is always swimming in and out of the rocks and around the front of the tank. Mine is fairly aggressive but never does any damage to any other fish (mainly just has issues with the clown when she want to go near his torch coral). So far she hasn't caused any problems with my corals but I dont have a very wide selection in there and she is well fed.

They are known for being coral nippers but I do know a fair few people that have them without issue. Its a case of if you want one that's the risk your going to have to take.

Edit: Sorry for the many typos above, its been that kind of day.
id 2nd the reccomendation for a coral beauty. i have two at mine at the minute (not in same tank) and have never seen once touch a coral
I got a CB on Sunday, it's a stunning looking fish.

thanks guys you have all really helped

what do they eat?? Could they eat nori??


Oh yh one more thing!!

How about bicolour angelfish, are they ok??

I had a coral beauty in my old 180L tank and it was peaceful and left the corals alone. Bi-colour angels are stunning looking fish. They are a bit more territorial than the coral beauty and from what I have read, are more likely to nip at corals than the coral beauty. They also grow to about 6" according to liveaquaria.com, so you are probably better off sticking the with CB.

They will eat pretty much anything. A balanced flake/pellet food would be your best bet, although they may accept nori also.
They also graze algae and mine takes live brineshrimp.
Hi guys,

I think I will get a coral beauty!! Thanks guys

If I feed it nori will u have to feed it anythin else??
nori is is like a supplimental part of their diet, they will eat frzen, flake and pellet with the rest of the fish. its just important they get some greens
I have a flame angel in a 45g its with 2 juvi percs and a royal gramma its nice to the fish i dont have coral but it is always nipping at my live rock i have only had it for a little but it seems pretty hardy.
hi, if u havnt bought the angel yet, i would like to say i once had an emperor angel which is a known coral muncher but mine had never touched a coral before. it just goes to show that anything can happen when you buy a fish.

try to give your CB angel a nice, well balanced diet. also try to avoid rocks with sharp edges cause my once flame angel had cut its eye and died from a bacterial infection.

GL :good:

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