Dwarf Angelfish?


Marine Keeper..
Apr 20, 2009
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Ok, so I have been looking at some new exicting possibilites for my new 160ltr tank. I like the look of the Flameback, Flame and Bi Color Angelfish. But I have read up that they all may nip at clove polyps, and some other corals. Is there a high possibility of this? As I love Clove Polyps, and have a few which will be going in to the bigger tank, so should I avoid one of these or..?
Hit and miss yf..my flame can't resist picking at my scoly when it's tentacles come out but has done no damage so far.....some dwarves an't resist certain corals whereas some aren't a problem at all...
best bet is to buy one that has been housed with corals in an lfs and hasn't attacked any there...saying that it may come home and take a go at your own,...I've been lucky so far
I have a pygmy cherub in mine and it is not intrested in my corals in the slightest :rolleyes:
I've had my Bicolor a few days now, and it hasn't even looked at my clove polyps or my new toadstool. It's been eating very well on a variety of frozen and dried foods. Beautiful fish too! :)

Doesn't seem too agressive to me either, although; it is definatly the head of the tank now, my clowns are still wary.
With angels its always a 50% chance that one will eat coral. The only ones that won't are ones of the genicanthus genus. All others are a crapshoot. They sure are beatiful aren't they :wub:

I'm going to try a flame angel for my hubby...time will tell if he gets banned or not.
Croal beauty would be reccomended as nearly reef safe. Ive had two now. Never had a problem.

Had a half black turn into a coral muncher too

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