Dwarf, Albino and Starlight Ancistrus


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I already have a dwarf ancistrus (bristlenose plec). I went to my LFS today and saw golden/ albino ancistrus and starlight ancistrus. These were priced at 7.99 and 12.99 UK pounds respectively. Good price?

Also, anyone out there kept either of these species. I know Starlights grow larger than albino or normal ancistrus? Just wondering if anyone has any information on them or any pictures.

That's an excellent price for a starlight and yes, they do get a lot bigger than most other ancistrus species. The usual maximum size is around seven inches but we have one that's a foot long!

The price for the golden ancistrus (albino) is about average, we have two and they seem to be an albino form of a. doliopterus which is a medium-sized species.

If the yellow ancistrus has black eyes instead of red or yellow, then it might be an L144 in which case that's an outstanding price, buy them all!

See our gallery for pictures.
I think i might just. The Starlight look brilliant to me, very unusual yet when talking about plecs in general, relatively small growing. The golden ancistrus also looks like a future tankmate of mine! lol.

This LFS has an amazing selection of fish considering its size. Its other catfish include, dwarf ancistrus, common sailfin plec, rusty plec, golden nugget plec, royal panaque plecs, bumble bee catfish, banjo catfish and many different types of corydoras.

The tank i will be introducing them too already has 1 x dwarf ancistrus of approximately 2 inches in length. Will this and the two new ancistrus (starlight and golden) get on well with the one i already have? From what you said, a combined price of 20.98 UK pounds is a great deal, especially with the 20% off i get for being a regular customer meaning i will be paying somewhere in the region of 16.80ish UK pounds for them. Well i'll next be there on saturday so hopefully, it'll be a good day.

Lastly, is there any other information i should know or just random stuff about these fish?


There are many many different species of bristlenose catfish, (ancistrus) in various different sizes, shapes and colours. Some have a forest of bristles, some just have a few, some don't have any at all!

Generally speaking, the females are also less 'hairy' than the males which also have wider heads.

Have a look here

I knew about the bristley bit, with regards male and females. Just seeing the albino and starlight forms wondered about others commercially available.
I got them today, 1 starlight ancistrus and one albino. Beautiful little things!
The digital camera returns a week tomoro. You can expect photos of each of them then, i promise!

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