Frogs should really be kept in a frog-only tank.
ADFs are almost blind and find their food by smell. By the time they've located it, fish in the tank will have eaten everything. It is not unknown for frogs in a tank with fish to starve.
ADFs, like other frog species, are very sensitive to chemicals in the water. Should you ever need to medicate the tank, it would harm, if not kill, the frogs.
I once had frogs in a tank with a male betta as I read that they were good tank mates. It was a nightmare trying to feed the frogs as the betta would eat his food and theirs. I tried making a feeding station for the frogs from a terracotta plant pot with a tiny frog sized gap cut in the rim, but the betta got in then couldn't get out again. Then one day I found the betta dashing round the tank trying to dislodge the frog clamped onto his tail. The frog saw what it mistook for food and lunged for it. That was when I set up my quarantine tank, moved half the filter media over and put the frogs in there.
I would never risk frogs with fish again.