Dwaft Puffer...

metfan581 said:
Puffer_freak said:
You have to feed bloodworm and other meaty foods!

EDIT: You might be overstocked with that. Plecs are poop machines.
Then what do you suggest?
Food: Snails, bloodworm, some will take cockle, basically anything meaty you can find at your lfs. Frozen should be fine, but freeze dried is not so good.

Tankmates: Maybe only one plec. Puffers AND plecs are both extremely messy fish and need a big filter, the one you have should be fine. But even then you may be overstocking the tank with too many fish in a small(ish) space. IMO, you'd be better off wit just one plec or no plecs at all.

As said earlier in this thread, BB gobies prefer to be in groups...I think it said that... :unsure:

metfan581 said:
Am I'm right:
4 dwaft puffers
1-2 brissle nose plecos (cause i dont know of any armored cats)
6 bumble bee gobbys
The bristlenose plec is an armoured catfish :)
I'd go for
3 dps
1 bristlenose plec
6 bumblebee gobies (freshwater)

good filtration and regular water changes should make that possible.

Dwarf puffers will have to be fed meaty foods, flakes is not the best diet for them. Main diet I recommend bloodworms, varied with mussel, cockle, snails & shrimp. Either live or frozen :)

Treats can be provided in the form of brine shrimp, daphnia, crab pieces etc :)

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