Fish Addict
Is it possiable to put a dwaft puffer in my tank?
If so then with what?
If so then with what?
any thing eleseSirMinion said:In 20 gallon you could have up to four dwarf puffers.
Tankmates are limited to small armoured catfish such as bristlenose plecs.
No. Nothing else.metfan581 said:any thing eleseSirMinion said:In 20 gallon you could have up to four dwarf puffers.
Tankmates are limited to small armoured catfish such as bristlenose plecs.
It's thought that other fish leave the bumblebee goby alone because of it's colours. Like the wasp does really ... it's never been proven, but the fact that puffers leave them alone says enough to mespAcE mOnkEy said:Wow they really can live with the gobies? Why dont the puffers kill them?
i will have to feed the fish blood worms or can i feed them flakesandywg said:I have seen a couple of fracas between my BBG and DPs at feeding time (when one of each grabs the same piece of bloodworm) But rather than do a Lady and the Tramp the DP flies at the BBG. The BBG then lets go and just stares at the DP until the DP wanders off to eat and then the BBG resumes eating.
It's almost like a mutual respect thing, both fish are mini-psychopaths and as such give each other some respect and room to work in.
even with aPuffer_freak said:You have to feed bloodworm and other meaty foods!
EDIT: You might be overstocked with that. Plecs are poop machines.
Then what do you suggest?Puffer_freak said:You have to feed bloodworm and other meaty foods!
EDIT: You might be overstocked with that. Plecs are poop machines.