Dumbest Thing You Have Ever Seen/done


Ohai dere c:
Apr 4, 2011
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I'll start this off.

Seen? Cigarette butts soaked in liquid oxygen being fired. Man, they burn like fireworks!

Done? Volunteered to be shot with 10,000 volts from a strimmer magneto
Seen, a guy holding a chainsaw between his legs while trying to pull start it... Thankfully it was out if gas...

Done, o where to start lol.... Volunteered to go cow tipping during the day.... Put it this way almost didn't make it back over fence
Seen: A man in a wheelchair being bungee corded into the back of a pickup truck.

Done: Played war games with roman candles.....some of the big ones fire off like shotguns!!
Dumbest thing I've ever done is chuck myslef over the side of the RIB (motorboat) I was driving without a kill chord on. Hit a lump of surf and just somersaulted out the back. Boat carried on at about 25 knots without me.

Long swim followed by dragging the tiny tiller steer out of storage and playing hunt the RIB ensued. Found it stalled up on the beach about 1/2 a mile away. Thankfully this was all early in the morning and my boss never found out. Only the local (French) fishermen got to witness my stupidity.

Heh, or there was the time I sailed a Laser out into the open sea in 20 knot wind but that's another story.
Right now; agreeing to take on my mum's 5x2x2 when I've got about 15 feet of steps with a 90° corner half way down to get to my front door :shout:
Seen - lots of idiotic events, but the most recent? Hacking out today with my friend who has been upping her horses feeds ready for hunting so she keeps weight on, thus making her more jumpy. She spooked twice in full view of a car coming the other way, when said car drives past not only does he not slow down, but beeps his horn. luckily she didnt spazz out at it but it made us all jump. eurgh i hate inconsiderate drivers when were out hacking, especially when youre alone.

Done - been shopping online when i have no money. window shopping is such a cruel mistress.
Riding out in the country :)
hacking is riding outside of the arena/school, e.g. on roads, bridlepaths, random fields where you can have a good old canter

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