hat’s good to know, thank you. So my only question is, what do you do if you use a water source not from the tap? Reverse osmosis, RODI, etc?
You can add any of the following to an aquarium to increase Cl:
potassium chloride (KCl) increase potassium and chlorine in the water
Calcium chloride (CaCl2) Increase calcium, GH. and Cl
Magnesium Chloride (MgCl2) Increases, Magnesium, GH and Cl.
Sea Salt.
you can use this n
utrient calculator to determine how much to add to your aquarium. You will need a small scale to that can read down to 1 milligram. I purchase a cheep $20 scale on amazon.com and it has worked very well. For the nutrient calculator enter your tank volume, Select DIY, Select the compound your are interested in using. Select dry or solution dosing, and then select dose to reach a target and enter the concentration you want. Note this calculator will assume you are interested in K, Ca, or Mg generate a number to reach the concetration you want but for K, Ca, or Mg. So you probably will need to adjust the concentration target to get Cl at the number you want. I would suggest aiming for a target of 0.2ppmIt is highly unlikely that you would need more than 0.2ppm.
For sea salt it adds sodium, Cl, ,Ca, Mgm, K, and a number of other elements but most will be at very low concentrations. You can add sea salt at low levels to safely supplyCl. unfortunately the calculator i mentioned earlier isn't much help for this but you could aim for 0.5ppm and multiply that number by the number of liters of water in your tank.
Now if your water has a low Gh (general hardness) there is another approach. buy a chloride GH booster such as Seachem Replenish. it is made of Calcium chloride and magnesium chloride. For a low GH I would suggest a minimum GH of 3 degrees. IF your GH is already close to 3 increase the GH with Replenish by one or 2 degrees. Formy 100% RO aquarium I make a GH booster from calcium chloride and magnesium sulfate so that there are 3 parts calcium and one part magnesium. This mix provide calcium, magnesium, sulfur, and chloride that plant need.