Dual Betta Container


Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I've got two male bettas in a container that has a divider down the middle. One of the males keeps flaring and trying to attack the other fish. The one that isn't fighting back started flaring when I first put him in, but now he seems dissintersted.
Is it ok to have them like this, or would it be too stressful for them?

Also, if I had to remove one, would they do well in a tank with platies and platy fry?

I caught the aggressive betta making a bubblenest this morning. I was told that this was natural, what do you think?
That seems like it would be stressful...for both of them :/

I'd put the passive betta in with the platies (although he may eat the fry) and remove the divider so Toughy Tougherson can have the hex to himself

Of course the aggressive one would be bubble nesting, he's not the one who's scared :lol: :rolleyes: :/

Good Luck!
I agree with wuv, but I'd just like to say that he WILL eat the fry, unless they're too big to go in his mouth. I have one female betta who is gentle and shy enough to be in my guppy tank. However, she keeps the fry down to a bare minimum in there (way way wayyyyy less fry than when it's just guppies in the tank; bettas are fry eating machines :nod:).
Actually, I don't mind if she eats the fry. I don't think I can support a lot of fry. I'll try putting the females into a breeding trap a week before they're due, and any fry that are left in the original tank will sadly get eaten. :-(

How would I remove the divider? I'm not sure how it's kept on, but I do know that it's not glued in properly because water seeps in from the bottom. Any tips?

tempestuousfury said:
Actually, I don't mind if she eats the fry. I don't think I can support a lot of fry. I'll try putting the females into a breeding trap a week before they're due, and any fry that are left in the original tank will sadly get eaten. :-(

How would I remove the divider? I'm not sure how it's kept on, but I do know that it's not glued in properly because water seeps in from the bottom. Any tips?

One of my Bettas is in my 10 gallon community tank. There are fry in there right now. They seem to be able to hide in the plants pretty well. Of course, I don't know how many fry there were to start with... Makes no difference to me...I don't need any more fry.

Simply pull out the divider. It just slides in and out. At least that's how it works with mine.

aka Lizard
Ok. Removing the betta won't be a problem b/c I'm getting a 50 gallon and will put the betta in there. I still want to breed my betta, but I'll have to get more $ b/f I can start such an endeavor.
in my personal experience, Platties don't work. they look and act too much like female Bettas for a male to pass them up!

and, a fifty gallon (unless shallow) is much to deep for a Betta. imagine you had to breath air every few minutes, and it took so long to get to the top of the tank to get it? you'd end up with a Betta that rests on the tallest plant all the time!
BettaBoyz said:
in my personal experience, Platties don't work. they look and act too much like female Bettas for a male to pass them up!

and, a fifty gallon (unless shallow) is much to deep for a Betta. imagine you had to breath air every few minutes, and it took so long to get to the top of the tank to get it? you'd end up with a Betta that rests on the tallest plant all the time!
I, on the other hand, have had the opposite experience :lol: One of my male Bettas is in my 10 gallon community tank that consists of Platys, Cories, and a small Pleco. The Betta never bothers any of the other fish in there. There are fry in the tank right now, and so far they've managed to not get eaten by the Betta, but I don't know how long that will last (the fry are about two weeks old though, so who knows <shrug>).

That's my experience. Guess you'd have to try it with your fish and just see how it worked. :nod:

aka Lizard
my oldest male lived in a community with platies once upon a time, they were the only fish he tolerated :dunno:

But if he's going in the 5 gallon that is in your sig -_- you MIGHT have some problems :X

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle: (teehee,I'll have to thank smb for the whistlers :hyper: )
The five'll be the rearing tank. Actually, the depth of the tank is probably close to a foot. It's the same as in all my other tanks, it's just that it's a lot longer.

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