Dry Ferts


New Member
Aug 14, 2011
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Hey guys,
I received my dry ferts from aquariumplantfood today. Theres lots of information on the web regarding the quantities and use of dry ferts but alot less regarding the storage of them.

How long does the made up water/fert solution last after mixing?

Should it be stored in the fridge?

Dry ferts - keep in sealed bag or transfer to another tuberware type container?
Dry ferts - do the powders have an expiry date or breakdown in any way over time?

Please feel free to add any other hints and tips, especially any mistakes that are commonly made.

Many thanks!
Macro solution will be fine (Best kept in dark), just don't make up too much at a time. Trace solution may be susceptible to mold - Keep that in the fridge and look out for white floaty bits. James' planted tank recommends adding Potassium Sorbate

So long as you keep the powders dry they'll last a long time. I'm not keen on the stand up pouches any more.
Much prefer sealed containers - Tuppaware will be A1 :good:

I used to make up solutions but after treating my 750 litre every day I gave up, I now just add the dry ferts straight into the tank.. no hassle at all

keep the dry ferts dry in little tubs or old flake tubs and all should be ok.

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