Dropsy, Swim Bladder, Pregnant Or Constipation?


New Member
Jun 7, 2007
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Hello all,

I am posting this topic up again as I have posted the same if not similar posting a few weeks ago.

SO now it has been a good month now and luckily my fish doesn't seem to be dying. However, it still sits on the bottom of my nurse tank upside down 24 hours a day for about a month now. He has had some indications of swimming upside down in the past and corrected this problem by not feeding it as much.

He (Black Ranchu) has not eaten for a good 2 weeks now, but saw signs that he may be getting hungry a few days ago. My instinct was correct, as I force fed him some internal fish disease medicine today.

I have tried the following actions to correct this problem.

1) Raised temperature gradually to 86 degrees within 3 days and kept at this temperature for 2 weeks
2) Epsom salt 1 teaspoon for 5 gallon although I saw on one sight it said 1/8 teaspoon.
3) Changed water
4) Cleaned filter with cold water and no carbon
5) Tetracycline double dose for 4 days
6) Fed internal parasite medicine for a few days until it stopped eating even when trying to force feed.
7) Tried feeding it peas, but my fish was still spitting it out at this time.

Still no changes.

Body signs:

1) No pop eyes
2) No scale bulging just belly swollen (Rock hard)
3) Cist at the anal sac (Removed partial but could not remove all from risking internal damage)
4) Someone had told me this is due to kidney failure? Not an expert so I am trying to be as descriptive and provide as much information as possible.
5) I don't want to spend $75 to get Baytril to do internal injection if I do not know this will help the problem. Can anyone give me a good analysis based on the information I've given that this may help.
6) I also read that the medicine Interpet #9, Romet B and Octozin may be helpful but cannot find a site that will sell it in the U.S. >>>Any links to this purchase will be grateful.

Well, the most important part to this posting is that someone with experience can guide me to the right direction in finding a cure!
OR do you think my fish will be doomed eventually if it has kidney failure? Is it a good chance my fish can recover if I purchase the Baytril? Or should I first try the Octozin, Interpet #9 or Romet B as I would assume this medicine is less expensive?

Awaiting some sound advice as I really love this fish and hate to see it die!

A pic of my fish when hearty


Thanks for reading.

[email protected]
Maybe he has a tumour in his stomach I have heard of that happening before and I have seen it personally.
Are you sure he hasn't been able to swollow any rocks that you may have in the bottom of your tank?

Try feeding daphnia as it is also a natural laxative. I hope you have lowered the temp. by now. What is it currently at?
Maybe he has a tumour in his stomach I have heard of that happening before and I have seen it personally.
Are you sure he hasn't been able to swollow any rocks that you may have in the bottom of your tank?

Try feeding daphnia as it is also a natural laxative. I hope you have lowered the temp. by now. What is it currently at?

Thank you for your insight and possible remedy for my fish.

You have an interesting point that I never thought about my fish possibly swallowing a pebble as he was housed in a tank that had gravel and was constantly swalling them and spitting them out. I supposed they do that to try and feed on any food remains etc.

You will have to pardon me for not knowing what daphnia as I am not used to using this word. Please advise.

I also wanted to refer back to my questions about the medicine Interpet #9, Romet B & Octozin. Is this helpful for my fishes condition?

I have lowered the temperature back down again and have set the thermometer to 78 degrees.

If he has a tumor in his stomach what will the outcome result in? Any treatments or remedies to this?
Hikari Daphnia picture
It is a food that can come in a powder like substance. It is sold at the LFS (local fish store) usually.
Daphnia Explanation in Detail. Check out that link, it talks about live Daphnia however, it will give you some insight to the creature.
I have fed it to some of my fish and have found they love it and take to it quite well. I know Petsmart sells it.

I know my goldfish also love sifting through the gravel. And I mean you never know depending how big or small your gravel is, maybe he swollowed it accidentaly. It happens, however usually they can pass it through, unfortunatly if it's to big and it cannot pass then this may be causing the problem. Have you seen him go to the bathroom?

Also as he/she is a goldfish, they like coldwater temperatures. Anywhere from 62F degrees to 72F degrees is usually good.

I have no experience with the UK treatments of Interpet #9, Romet B & Octozin. So sorry I cannot help you there. However if you do find you need it in the future. Check in the Buy, Sell and Swap Section of the forum as most people are from the UK on this site and they can help you get some i'm sure.

Good Luck! :good:
Hikari Daphnia picture
It is a food that can come in a powder like substance. It is sold at the LFS (local fish store) usually.
Daphnia Explanation in Detail. Check out that link, it talks about live Daphnia however, it will give you some insight to the creature.
I have fed it to some of my fish and have found they love it and take to it quite well. I know Petsmart sells it.

I know my goldfish also love sifting through the gravel. And I mean you never know depending how big or small your gravel is, maybe he swollowed it accidentaly. It happens, however usually they can pass it through, unfortunatly if it's to big and it cannot pass then this may be causing the problem. Have you seen him go to the bathroom?

Also as he/she is a goldfish, they like coldwater temperatures. Anywhere from 62F degrees to 72F degrees is usually good.

I have no experience with the UK treatments of Interpet #9, Romet B & Octozin. So sorry I cannot help you there. However if you do find you need it in the future. Check in the Buy, Sell and Swap Section of the forum as most people are from the UK on this site and they can help you get some i'm sure.

Good Luck! :good:

Most grateful once again for your thoughts. I will try the 2 things you have mentioned with the Daphnia and the swap section for the medicine.

I will post any positive results in the near future should this work.

Hikari Daphnia picture
It is a food that can come in a powder like substance. It is sold at the LFS (local fish store) usually.
Daphnia Explanation in Detail. Check out that link, it talks about live Daphnia however, it will give you some insight to the creature.
I have fed it to some of my fish and have found they love it and take to it quite well. I know Petsmart sells it.

I know my goldfish also love sifting through the gravel. And I mean you never know depending how big or small your gravel is, maybe he swollowed it accidentaly. It happens, however usually they can pass it through, unfortunatly if it's to big and it cannot pass then this may be causing the problem. Have you seen him go to the bathroom?

Also as he/she is a goldfish, they like coldwater temperatures. Anywhere from 62F degrees to 72F degrees is usually good.

I have no experience with the UK treatments of Interpet #9, Romet B & Octozin. So sorry I cannot help you there. However if you do find you need it in the future. Check in the Buy, Sell and Swap Section of the forum as most people are from the UK on this site and they can help you get some i'm sure.

Good Luck! :good:

Hello Fishkies,

Well, since you've recommended me to try daphnia for my fish I somehow cannot find this food/medicine for some reason. Maybe I'm not searching hard enough or do not know the right search engine etc. So I've taken the liberty to take some close up shots of my fish hoping it may stir up some recognition of the surface symptoms from the extremites.

Again as I've mentioned on my past postings my fish has a hard cist like shape at the end of the anal sac pictured below. At first when you mentioned that it may have swallowed a pebble I thought it might be the case, but I tried something desparate a few weeks ago by trying to cut the cist off. At first it was a ball shaped cist and was able to cut half off not wanting to get close to the body to cause it real injury.

It hasn't grown bigger since, but appears to stay hard.

If in fact if she did swallow a pebble is there any way to remove the pebble without the Dapnia medication/food? Meaning surgically. Or is it too much risk that may result fatal?

Do you know which site that sells this Dapnia? I really would like to try this first, but will welcome an alternative method to this now 5 week problem.

Thanks and await your reply.







I hope this helps in a prognosis.

Most grateful once again for your thoughts. I will try the 2 things you have mentioned with the Daphnia and the swap section for the medicine.

I will post any positive results in the near future should this work.

Daphnia will come from your pet store. You really should find it in all pet stores. Do you have petshop in the UK coz they definately sell it there. It can come in powered form and in jelly form, the jelly form comes in saches and are made by tetra and is called "tetra fresh delica"

Best of luck with it.
Are you located in the United states by chance? This will help with giving you sites, for daphnia and other information.
Freeze Dried Daphnia
Vitamin Enriched Daphnia

There are two above sites to help you get started with trying to find daphnia. Have you checked you local fish store or pet store, usually they sell it. You could look in the frozen food section with the fish, or with the dry fish foods.

If in fact if she did swallow a pebble is there any way to remove the pebble without the Dapnia medication/food? Meaning surgically. Or is it too much risk that may result fatal?
More then likely there really is no chance of removing the gravel, if indeed the fish did swallow it. Because by now the fish should have passed the gravel if it was in fact no bigger then pea size gravel.

How big are the stones or gravel in your tank?

How has the fishes' swimming been? Does it seem like it is still swimming fine?
Is it still interested in food?
have you have seen it been going to the bathroom?
Hello all,

I am posting this topic up again as I have posted the same if not similar posting a few weeks ago.

SO now it has been a good month now and luckily my fish doesn't seem to be dying. However, it still sits on the bottom of my nurse tank upside down 24 hours a day for about a month now. He has had some indications of swimming upside down in the past and corrected this problem by not feeding it as much.

He (Black Ranchu) has not eaten for a good 2 weeks now, but saw signs that he may be getting hungry a few days ago. My instinct was correct, as I force fed him some internal fish disease medicine today.

I have tried the following actions to correct this problem.

1) Raised temperature gradually to 86 degrees within 3 days and kept at this temperature for 2 weeks
2) Epsom salt 1 teaspoon for 5 gallon although I saw on one sight it said 1/8 teaspoon.
3) Changed water
4) Cleaned filter with cold water and no carbon
5) Tetracycline double dose for 4 days
6) Fed internal parasite medicine for a few days until it stopped eating even when trying to force feed.
7) Tried feeding it peas, but my fish was still spitting it out at this time.

Still no changes.

Body signs:

1) No pop eyes
2) No scale bulging just belly swollen (Rock hard)
3) Cist at the anal sac (Removed partial but could not remove all from risking internal damage)
4) Someone had told me this is due to kidney failure? Not an expert so I am trying to be as descriptive and provide as much information as possible.
5) I don't want to spend $75 to get Baytril to do internal injection if I do not know this will help the problem. Can anyone give me a good analysis based on the information I've given that this may help.
6) I also read that the medicine Interpet #9, Romet B and Octozin may be helpful but cannot find a site that will sell it in the U.S. >>>Any links to this purchase will be grateful.

Well, the most important part to this posting is that someone with experience can guide me to the right direction in finding a cure!
OR do you think my fish will be doomed eventually if it has kidney failure? Is it a good chance my fish can recover if I purchase the Baytril? Or should I first try the Octozin, Interpet #9 or Romet B as I would assume this medicine is less expensive?

Awaiting some sound advice as I really love this fish and hate to see it die!

A pic of my fish when hearty


Thanks for reading.

[email protected]
Other than that large cyst majigger on his butt, he looks fairly healthy. it's too large to be a protzoan disease IMO, and too larger to be bacterial or fungal. It must be a tumor of some sort, or caused by some virus. There are viruses that affect goldfish and carp (koi) that cause odd growths, but all of the possible culprits are untreatable. You could try surgically removing the cyst. Anestatising the fish is a possibilty. A very small concentration of clove ole can do the trick, but be careful not to overdose as this will put him to sleep for good. Once he is anestatised, simply use a scalpal, and try to do a homeade surgery, if it looks like a tumor remove it, if not leave it. It could be a prolapsed anus though, so as long as it isn't apparently hurting the fish, then I'd leave it. But if you do resort to surgery, I would put him in a hospital tankk afterwards and medicate it with anti-bacterial and parasite meds to prevent infection in the surgical sore until it heals.

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