Droopy Leather ( Devils Hand )


New Member
Jun 10, 2007
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well ive had the little devils hand for avout 48 hours now. and it appears deflated and shrivelled. what am i doing wrong :()
please HELP



What was it like when you got it? My devils finger did this just recently. They do this from time to time, they slough off a layer of mucous, and then inflate fully again afterwards. Just keep water flow over/around it to help it shed the mucous.
It could also just be adjusting to your tanks water and lighting regime.
This might help you.

Ok so I come home from work and I walk to the tank and see that my leather looks almost as dead as disco! Now everything else in the tank looks beautiful and being that the leather is my most hardy coral I know that my water has to be ok.Than I relize that the powerhead closest to the leather is off from the night before. I turned it back on and within 20min my leather looked as good as ever! So make sure you have a good waterflow on these leathers.

Could just need more flow.
Could be doing a weird cycle.they do that from time too time. best of luck!
Most leathers do indeed shed from time to time. Make sure the flow is strong enough to remove the mucous that comes off... otherwise, just wait a couple hours/days.
cheers for the help guys. ive moved the water flow areound a little. ive also got another koralia 1 on the way :) so that should help. ill keep you up to date on its condition :)

running acompact T5 55wt daylight plus. and a 34wt T8. the coral hasnt improved since adjusting flow :(

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