Drivers Needed For...


I don't bite, all that often...
Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Leeds, United Kingdom
Hi all,

Does anyone know of a source of drivers for a Winnex 3E main board, for Windows XP? The boards CD has drivers for Windows 95, 98, 98SE, NT and a select few for Windows 2000, but nothing for XP, and none of the older drivers are compatible with XP apparently. I've searched about on the net and I haven't found the company website, or any drivers for the board... The board appears to have been produced by Legend... Going by the manual, it's a fairly old board also... I know drivers for XP can be installed for this board, as the computer ran XP prior to the re-install and all the drivers were there, but then that install died and I've had to start again from scratch.

Thanks for any help
Sorry Mike, tried them already, and they haven't :sad: I can't remember the exact error it gives, but it's something about a hardware issue... Gosh, you don't get these issues with Linux and hardware any more :lol: Linux tells you the drivers you need if they are missing, then you just type 5-10 words at a terminal (command prompt), re-boot and all is fixed :rolleyes: :lol: Shame it isn't my computer with this issue, it's a relative's, and they want to stick to Windows :sad:

Thanks for the input thus far :good:
It's either an Intel 810, or an Intel 810E, I can't remember which one of those two exactly though... I'm pretty sure (90% certain) it's was an 810E :unsure:

Thanks again Mike
Thanks Mike, I'll give those a go next time I go to look at it. The system runs, it just doesn't have sound yet :rolleyes: I was wondering just how old the board was when I looked though the instructions, and the most up-to-date OS mentioned is 2K, for which they tell you to go look at their web-site for the relevant drivers....

All the best

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