what do you all like to dream about? describe the best one you have ahd so far as well.
i personally am awake from the rooster crowing till the rooster crows yet again, so latley i havent had any dreams for awhile, but my favorites are the lucid ones (where you realize you are dreaming and thus can do whatever you want)
this one time (dream) i was at school outside in the field, now i usually get ignored at school so ipick everyone up to get some attention, some thing grabs my hand and i lose control,plummeting all picked up to the ground,they die, i obviously need to gtfo of there and do so by flying off, i land at a city beach and start to walk around, i get spotted by some one whom i plow through and then take off again, will im flying i discover o look i can shoot lightning and fire out my left hand mwhahaha now for some payback (to what i dont know) and iland in a circularish place like the area sorruonding the arc de triuphe, complatedly sorrunded by 'bad' people who i then proceed to give a thorough beat down, i find a car key in my pockect and press a button which then summons a shuttle which takes me to a space ship i aparently built, it says hi the worlds gonna go boom and you cant stop it, what do you want to save? me being clever i say anyone that i have come into contact with or is related to and anyone they know, and all the animals yadda yadda noahs ark kinda thing. it says ok they'll be put on a space station orbiting the remains of earth out of harms way is there anyone you want here i said my crush only and it says ok earth floods and my crush appear out of thin air, skip through here it gets kinky with the order of some cookies........
and then i get a suit that looks like the cross between samus aran, master chief, and iron man and restore earth but i keep it people free and more kinky with some action intertwined with it.......
and earth empire stretches half the galaxy and im fighting some wierd race that wants to end all life, i win and thats it......
id like to say it was fun but after reading it, it seems like cuckoo daydreaming,o well,good times , hopefully this wont deter comments?
i personally am awake from the rooster crowing till the rooster crows yet again, so latley i havent had any dreams for awhile, but my favorites are the lucid ones (where you realize you are dreaming and thus can do whatever you want)
this one time (dream) i was at school outside in the field, now i usually get ignored at school so ipick everyone up to get some attention, some thing grabs my hand and i lose control,plummeting all picked up to the ground,they die, i obviously need to gtfo of there and do so by flying off, i land at a city beach and start to walk around, i get spotted by some one whom i plow through and then take off again, will im flying i discover o look i can shoot lightning and fire out my left hand mwhahaha now for some payback (to what i dont know) and iland in a circularish place like the area sorruonding the arc de triuphe, complatedly sorrunded by 'bad' people who i then proceed to give a thorough beat down, i find a car key in my pockect and press a button which then summons a shuttle which takes me to a space ship i aparently built, it says hi the worlds gonna go boom and you cant stop it, what do you want to save? me being clever i say anyone that i have come into contact with or is related to and anyone they know, and all the animals yadda yadda noahs ark kinda thing. it says ok they'll be put on a space station orbiting the remains of earth out of harms way is there anyone you want here i said my crush only and it says ok earth floods and my crush appear out of thin air, skip through here it gets kinky with the order of some cookies........
and then i get a suit that looks like the cross between samus aran, master chief, and iron man and restore earth but i keep it people free and more kinky with some action intertwined with it.......
and earth empire stretches half the galaxy and im fighting some wierd race that wants to end all life, i win and thats it......
id like to say it was fun but after reading it, it seems like cuckoo daydreaming,o well,good times , hopefully this wont deter comments?