Dream Tank


Shrimpy Shrimp
Apr 20, 2007
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What is everyones dream tank?

I would love a 30gal which is heavily planted with a large group of cardinals in it. :good:

Or a 500gal with 100s of oddbals. :hyper:

Whats yours?
Something like a 500L Biotope with massive shoals of tetras in.

Would love to have a setup large enough with enough fish in to give a real sense of their wild environment.
Hmm, something where I can keep red tail cat in a suitable size tank that a colony of discus, tetras and cory's would be able to reproduce fast enough to keep up with the red tails consumption! and of course with suitable viewing methods.
My dream tank could never happen, in reality. It would be the largest tank my floor could support full of gorgeous male and female bettas, just swimming around, in their kaleidoscope of colors, dreamy ribbons of rainbows as their tails flowed past..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... that would be the ultimate zen tank. :shifty:
a 10000gallon tank loaded with oscars, arowanas, a Red-tailed catfish and more oddballs :drool: ooh and I agree with GuppyDude, my tank needs to clean and care for itself... but I'd still like to do the feeding :p
Hmm...I'm kinda boring 'cause I don't want anything so huge that I'd need 100+ gallon tank to do it. In fact, I'd much rather have a room full of smaller tanks than just one massive one.
Biggest tank I could have with loads of different tetras and barbs, planted. And it would clean and care for itself too :)
I`ve posted this one before in a similar thread. It is a 2590l tank that Takashi Amano did way back in 1992



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