Dream tank thread

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I'm currently working on my dream tank... Well, it is my "realistic" dream tank anyway. :D I also have an "unrealistic" dream tank that I will share with you as well...

My "realistic" dream tank is a 55 gallon, planted community tank.
It is set up already with a sand substrate and lots of driftwood. No plants or fish yet...
It is currently undergoing a fish-less Cycle (I'm on Day 10 right now, so I will be testing the water when I get home from work, to see where I am at in the Cycle)
Once the tank has fully Cycled in a few weeks, I will start adding plants and fish.

I will be adding hardy, low-med light plants so that I wont have to use a gas CO2 setup. I will just use a liquid fertilizer such as Flourish, and root tabs.

Fish I plan on stocking the tank with:
Several Silver or Marbled Hatchet fish (OR Brown Pencil Fish?)
School of Rummy nose Tetras
School of Harlequin Rasboras
School of Neon or Cardinal Tetras
a couple pairs of either Dwarf Gouramis or Bolivian Rams, or maybe Apistogramma?
School of Corydoras catfish (All from one of the following species: Julii, trilineatus, or sterbai)
School of Otocinclus
Nerite Snails

I can't wait to start adding plants and stocking the tank with fish!!!

My "unrealistic" Tank would be::cool:
a 100 Gallon, Planted, Black Water Community Tank with driftwood/roots:
Discus or Altum Angels (or both?)
several schools of different larger species of Tetras
a couple Bristle nose Pleco (or more?)
Large School or Corydoras catfish
Apistogramma and blue rams seem so cool I will eventually own them
It would probably be a really nice 4 foot tank. That was, I could have Cory's and rummy nose tetras. I would also have a lot of other fish I would love to have now. Interesting thread idea! :)
Thanks thought would be interesting to see people’s idea
Apistogramma and blue rams seem so cool I will eventually own them
Me too!!! I am considering Apistogramma for my current tank, but I don't think that German Blue Rams would be ok with the same water parameters required by the other fish I want to keep. So, another day...another tank!! LOL :p
Am I the only one who wants an Asian Arowana in my dream tank? :p
naw. id like one too, but they need huge tanks. also dont want to support the importers by buying them as there are way too many in the hobby in bad conditions
Not a possibility due to our climate here in Britain and my lack of land or unlimited money. However, seen as we're taking a trip to fantasy land...
Mine would be an outdoor pond. A big tropical pond, predominantly cichlids.
My dream tank is my 55 gallon tetra tank, I just added more plants, did a water change and worked on my soft water chemistry today. My tetras are active and chasing each other(breeding) and I hope for more baby tetras to show up- this time I hope for ember tetras. So I am happy and content:angel: beside there is no way I can sneak that 100 gallon tank that is on sale at the LFS into the house:drool:

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