Drawing A Line In The Sand...


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2009
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OK so here are the latest numbers on day 47:
( 12 gal tank)
Nitrate:did not test

12 hrs.

Day 48: (today)

OK so I'm thinking about drawing a line in the sand and saying that if by day 56 (8Wks.), I just go ahead and start adding a small amount of fish. Any suggestions of what type of fish for a community tank would be appreciated.

if it gets to double zeros in 12 hours, its ready for fish. the choice of fish is really yours, but start with a toughish fish. do you like the look of any fish in particular or just like any fish? if its community compatible, you can work out what will go well with it (or you can ask us! :good: )
if it gets to double zeros in 12 hours, its ready for fish. the choice of fish is really yours, but start with a toughish fish. do you like the look of any fish in particular or just like any fish? if its community compatible, you can work out what will go well with it (or you can ask us! :good: )
Well if anyone has some suggestions that would be great, some small community fish like Zebra Danios Tetras and fish like those.
I find rasbora heteromorpha to be even hardier than zebras right after a cycle and zebras would like a bit more swimming room I'm afraid. The rasboras also might be a bit large depending on your overall stocking plan, since they would work better at 6 or above, but perhaps others would agree or disagree with me. Check out the smaller tetras that have more torpedo shaped bodies rather then the more pancake shaped ones. Watch the max adult size carefully, looking for the smallest ones. Perhaps glowlights or head&taillights might fall into what I'm describing. There are a number of smaller tetras that can look pale in the LFS but are stunning once they are comfortable.

A lot of fishless cycles that have slow nitrites will just not seem to finalize until between days 60 and 70 and the last two weeks can be very frustrating. Your N-Bacs are eating their way through about 11.5 ppm in 12 hours now, so they are clearly there and chomping down quite a bit of nitrite! They -will- work their way to finishing off the whole 13.5ppm.

gonna add my two pence on Danios. If your tank has ANY gaps (including the ones in the hood meant for wiring) then I can guarantee you will lose Danios due to them jumping out. IMO they're a stupid fish lol. What about dwarf gourami? German Rams. A good shoal of a small tetra species would look great.

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