Dragon/violet Goby


Mostly New Member
Dec 27, 2013
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Hey guys!!  Im in the middle of cycling my tank.  I want to set up a brackish tank And in some of the other posts iv read that Dragon and Violet are two diffrent kinds....but i cant find diffrent pictures.  Could you explain the diffrence? or show me pictures.  Also (yes im gonna get whomped for this but)  I have a 30 gallon tank.  With possible plans to upgrade to a 50g.  I know they COULD get up to 24inches.  But iv also seen  them only at 8inch max.  what is your experince?   If its WAY more common  for them to get at 24  i might skip the dragon.  But IF there is a chance it stay small  id really love to get one.   So i could use some insight from other who have had one!!! THank so much.  I also want figure 8s and Knight gobys...and maybe a molly but its kinda low on the totem pole.
Just be careful choosing tank mates. They are not at all aggressive... and basically blind, and will get tortured by aggressive tank mates.
The reason you usually hear of a fish not reaching it's potential size is probably due to people keeping them in tanks that are too small. I could be wrong of course as I havn't kept these, though I'd like to one day.
HERE is some information on them. You'll notice they mention a 48"x24"x24" tank..that comes out to 120g. They mention this may not be adequate should it reach their potential size. Really would re-think getting one of them :/
Sorry for sounding a bit negative, and sorry I can't offer any help really. I did want you to at least see that information.
Ninjouzata said:
The reason you usually hear of a fish not reaching it's potential size is probably due to people keeping them in tanks thatgobioides peruanusare too small. I could be wrong of course as I havn't kept these, though I'd like to one day.
HERE is some information on them. You'll notice they mention a 48"x24"x24" tank..that comes out to 120g. They mention this may not be adequate should it reach their potential size. Really would re-think getting one of them :/
Sorry for sounding a bit negative, and sorry I can't offer any help really. I did want you to at least see that information.
well I would first like to say thank for replying. And second thank you soso so much for the page thanks to it I was able to find that there is a smaller spiecies sold in the uk called gobioides peruanus. Same look and character BUT its absolute max is 18 inchs in the wild and smaller in captivity. Im going to do a bit more reading on them and then see if I can get one from the UK!!!!! Ig not I might look at knights and bumbles....hmm have to see if there compataple....still want figure 8 to. Man so many choices.
I saw this fish just last week and i must say, i'm in love with them lol.. despite their appearance they are quite peaceful and are probably one of the best algae eaters for heavy algal growths :D

Oh, and i'd doubt they'd stay small. The ones i saw were like 6" long already and were as thick as your typical garden hose @_@

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