dragon fish

Nope, primitive fish which just never got around to evolving. They're fairly interesting to keep but they seem to be like every other stream-lined fish and enjoy escape attempts. Loaches, eels, etc. If it's got a worm like body, it is especially good at hoppoing out of the tank.
Yeah but only with small fish. They don't have much of an appetite for anytthing big. Most of the ones I've seen probably would struggle with a Neon and full sized ones probably could down a Cory but nothing much bigger.
Actually, you'd be surprised at the size of fish they tackle. 5 incher eating a 3 incher. 14 incher eating a 7 incher. They can eat big fish, but they only eat what can fit in their bodies. ex. a 12" bichir probably won't eat a large oscar, its too deep bodied.

you do realize that arowana grow up to 4 feet, not 2 feet
Not all species grow that large.
At petsmart
Dragon fish =violet goby
Dragon Eel= Polypterus senegalus
Ornate eel= Polypterus ornatipinnis-Anne
I have dragon gobies. Like someone else said most of them are escape artists. Although the first one I ever had never was. I didn't even have a top on the tank and he never attempted anything. That's not the case with almost everyone I've had after him though. He was more of a except then a rule.
Opcn said:
was he salt water? Describe him please
he was in a fw tank. he was about 5" long, thin, silver and chillin on the bottom of the tank. he looked kinda like the photo but not violet looking. i'll go back to petsmart and take a photo with my camera phone & upload it.
I'm sure he was a violet gobie if he looked like the picture, its a pretty unique fish and color varies, Just figure out what species it is and be sure you can gibve it the water it needs.
hey belondie,
just clearing up one of your posts and that the Dragon Eel= Polypterus senegalus. Petsmart sells Polypterus senegalus as Dinosaur Eels not dragon eels. Easy mistake though. I dont understand why they cant just use the names everyone would recognize


My petshop has what I *think* are candystripe gobies as dragon gobies. It all gets so confusing with these guys. When we got our first violet goby he didn't make it 24 hours. No research before buying it and I kept coming up with arrowana looking for south american dragon fish.

I've since gotten two more (not sticking their heads out of a cloudy tank this time; no I didn't that personally I sent my boyfriend for a loach lol) and they're doing great.

How do you tell if they're too thin though? I understand they look thin because of their big heads..

Here's a pic of one of mine..

hey belondie,
just clearing up one of your posts and that the Dragon Eel= Polypterus senegalus. Petsmart sells Polypterus senegalus as Dinosaur Eels not dragon eels. Easy mistake though. I dont understand why they cant just use the names everyone would recognize
Thanks Dave I can't believe i did that. As to why they call them them Dinosaur eels
almost everyone can pronounce dinosaur, and it sounds cooler than Polypterus lol
want real fun try to get the correct pronounciation of ''bichir''-Anne
Haha no problem beblondie. Yeah...i wish there was an official pronounciation...ive heard everything from Birchir to beacher to bitchir. fun stuff these fish names :p
There are? I've always seen them sold as FW but I thought they were all brackish. It's one reason I've never gotten any Bumblebees though I am tempted every time I see them. Violetse might tempt me as well but all my tanks are stocked up at the moment. Would have to sell or move some fish somewhere else first.

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