Mojo dojo i clicked your egg your just 3 views away
and my egg only has 236 views and it has 3 days and 4 hours my last one had 192 and this one i had to start a topic and it is more likely to die so thanks to those who viewed the egg but im not gonna get over 500 views in 3 days and 4 hours well i dont know
Cool but i has 4 hatchlings and ill tell you how i got them
right go to the cave and look at the abounded eggs and just keep pressing f5 till you see a hatchling and just go for it and keep doing that till you get 4 or something.
thats how i did it i went a bit mad
You just need to click on them for us to keep them alive. Thanks for clicking on them.
Mojo it will grow up in the time is says but it will need more than 1000 views because it's a rare one.
Uhm, the amount of views they need don't change for each one o.o But the rarer ones will get more views because of the fact that well, they are rare and people are curious.