Dp Companion Question


Fish Fanatic
Jan 9, 2010
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Hey everyone, I decided to get a pair of DPs for my 10 gallon tank after I've taken my guppies out and have it fully planted, but I'm wondering weather I should get some sort of bottom-feeder fish to keep the tank substrate moderately clean. I do know that DPs are very aggressive so that's why I have this question, but I would like to, if possible, keep either a Khuli loach or trio of Otos in with them. I have heard of some people having success with keeping Otos and Khulis in the same tank as DPs but I want to get everyone elses opinion before I decide. I wanted to get the khuli/oto before I got my DPs in case that would help curb any aggression (and the vegetation would help too) since the DPs would be coming into Khuli/Oto's territory and not the other way around. Do you think I should get a Khuli Loach, or a trio of Otos, or neither?

Also, my filter is a pretty good filter but, from what I've heard, It's best to over-filter since DPs are super messy, but I do a 50% water change every week on sundays (not on purpose though, the siphon I have is too big for my tank) so would that be alright or should I still get another filter? Or should I just do more frequent water changes?
I cannot say for certain, but ive kept my pair in with spiney eel,bristlenose plec and another small plec,odessa barbs,colombian tetra...all was perfect,i think if i had long finned fish which were slow it might be a problem
I've seen baby DPs tear corys and shrimp apart, and do serious damage to plecs. I wouldn't risk it, even if others have made it work.
It really depends on whether you will have a back up plan, willing to accept the consequences and the personality of your puffs. I have kept my current two with cories, lampeyes and rasboras as well as shrimp with no ill consequences, but I was very careful to have plan if it went wrong. The only real aggression I have seen out of my pair is between themselves
I'm still gonna think about it but thanks for the help guys <3

Also, I have another question: So I found some extra filters that we don't use in our attic, and the one that would fit my tank is for 30 gallon aquariums, would it be bad to over-filter it by that much? Can over-filtering do damage?
Hello With puffs over filtration is not a bad idea at all as they are messy creatures and the more filtration the better :good:
Okay, so that much filtration is still good then, thanks so much for answering that lol I'll definitely start using it then. Thanks again :)
No worries, most the DPs I have had love the extra current, just watch them when first making the change (adding extra filtration in) :good:

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