DP Clean up crew


Fish Fanatic
Mar 22, 2005
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Please could you suggest a clean up crew for dwarf puffer tank.I realise the crabs could be/will probably be eaten.Are they the only solution?

Sam x
The only safe clean up crew in a puffer tank is you and a syphon, really. Any other fish would be at risk and inverts are DP's natural food.

[EDIT: A few adult apple snails may work (on some algae and left over food) with the added benefit that babys would provide a good source of live food.]

I'm pretty sure that hte crabs would try to snack on the DPs if given the chance. I keep ghost shrimp in the tank, knowing full wel that they will be eaten at some point. The DPs don't chow down on them right away, and have actually been leaving them alone for the most part (but I do counts, and sometimes I am missing some). Some people say otos or bristlenose plecos, but as a rule of thumb, don't put anything in a puffer tank that you aren't willing to lose.

Oh, I also keep snails in the tank with my DPs. Once again, I fully intend on them being eaten....the snails don't last nearly as long as the shrimp do :D
We have a couple of bristlenose plecs and some freshwater bumblebee gobies in our DP tank and they don't get bugged by the puffers at all.

We tried an apple snail once, but the puffers ate it's eyestalks within an hour so we removed it. (they grew back)
SirMinion said:
We tried an apple snail once, but the puffers ate it's eyestalks within an hour so we removed it. (they grew back)
:huh: ouch , just got my son 3 , we'll rely on water changes , extra ones if need be , until we put them in a larger tank . nothing some tiny snails for tank mates at present :rolleyes:, they aren't the clean up crew either :whistle: .
A small crew of otocinclus & ghost/amano shrimp seem to work well w/DPs.
I have ottos (which are not bothered AT ALL), baby bristlenoses (adults DO get harassed) and shrimps. My tank is very heavily planted tho and its 5 puffs in a 20gal tall. I also have SAEs with mine (since they were small) and they get nipped occasionally but nothing bad. Mostly everyone gets on SO FAR.

The thing is, DPs might be fine around loads of kinds of fishes, but then one day they could just change and become nasty. You have to be prepared for this and able to remove ANY tankmates to save them if necessary.

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