Double tail at Walmart?!?


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Today I went to Walmart and looked at every single betta, as usual. Hiding behind the other females is a little girl who looks to have a split caudal -- but wait, her dorsal fin is rather wide. Could it be? Yes, a double tail!!
I've never seen anything but veil tails at Walmart, so I assume she was grouped in with them by mistake. I got so excited by my discovery that I freaked out and bought not only the fish, but a new 5 gallon tank. I then rushed to the pet shop to buy decorations and live plants for it (and for my split 10 gallon as well.) I found the tiniest little crown tail female at the pet shop, so of course I bought her as well. :lol:
I've been bad today.
Pics can be found here.
wow. our wal*mart never has 'good' bettas (i use the term good loosely, as i'm quite fond of veils. ^_^ ) , but our pet co and pet quarters ALWAYSE have crowns. i guess that makes me lucky?

OH MY GOD. i love your split tank! i've been wanting to split a ten gallon for my babies as well. Is there any special or usefull info you could give me about creating a split tank?
Glad you guys like the tank, it's my first try at splitting :*)
All I did was take measurements of the tank and then went to the local glass shop and ordered the plexiglass pieces I needed. I asked them to drill holes two inches from the top for water circulation, but they ended up drilling them less than an inch from the top! A shabby job, too... very uneven. Therefore, I drilled new holes myself. The dividers are attached with some regular ol' aquarium sealant that I bought at a LFS.
My girlfriend's father has a few large sheets of plexiglass so I'll be cutting mine myself. I'm doing something identical to that with a 10 gallon for my Bettas too. Strangely enough, I had come up with the idea a few days ago before seeing yours. It works out almost exactly how I was thinking of doing it too, only I'm going to be using different kinds of rock, gravel and sand for each section.
GuppyDude said:
iv seen double tailed males at the walmart b4 but never females -_-
I wish we got double tailed males at my Walmart. I just know the female being there was a mistake, because I've been going to Walmart and checking on the fish every week on shipment day for at least a year now, and she's the first non-veil I've seen.
You lucky people and your Walmarts/Petcos with your dts and your cts... HUMPH! :p

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