Double Reds!!


Fish Crazy
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Tx, USA
I am looking to get a pair of Apistogramma cacatoides "Double Red" maybe even "Triple Red" (if I can find them.) I need to know what kind of tank I should get for them. How big, filtration, decor... also I need to know if they are heram breeders of monogomous? I know you can help me, you always do. Thanks again
hey there I have been doing research in to them as well and most everything tha tI have seen is that they need a tank with lots of little hidding spots (flower pots have been said to be the best) and they are best kept in groups of 1 male to 3 or four females. good luck finding some I had a hard time as well
hey CF I have been looking around and I found a site that you may have already found I don't know but I thought that I would share with you they have alot of different morphs. I am really interested in the white( an albino morph it is really cool)
but if you go to ( just remember that my spelling sucks) but you may like what is there.

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