Double Checking On The Oto's Catfish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 10, 2011
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Hi guy's. I really want the Oto's catfish. I have posted around 3 topics concerning them. I am pretty sure my tank will be able to cope with a group of 3 from what I have heard from the other members. I have kept reading that they need a 20 gallon tank or higher. Is this true? I only have a biube due to space. It hold's 35l and is around 6 ( maybe 8) inches wide and is a cylinder shape. I want the Otos catfish mainly because of algae problems. I am hoping to purchase this weekend as well as some live plants. I will feed algae wafters if the supply runs out. My tank has been running for 8 weeks and currently has 3 male fancy guppy's in it. My further stocking plans would be:

3 platy's or a shaol of 6 neon tetras.

3 cherry shrimp.

Please comment as I do not want to make a mistake. Thank you.:good:
i think that tank size is recommended due to there sensitivity, the larger the tank the easier to maintain sort of thing, ottos are very sensite and if i remember correctly need a mature tan kof atleast 6 months
How old is your tank? ie how long has it been cycled?

If you are just worried about algea then a fast growing plant in the tank will soon sort that out as it will use the nutriants that the algea want to survive. It will also look nice.
8 weeks and still going. I might think about it some more. My other fish are doing great. It's a shame though as my LFS is getting in a fresh delivery. Is there any way I could get them this weekend? I have changed the filter and have done a 30% water change 3 weeks ago and am due to do another water change in a week after this weekend. So when I purchase them ( if I do ) it will only be a week in till a water change. Thanks for any further info.

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