Dorichthys Martensii Malayan Pipe Fish


Fish Addict
Jun 22, 2011
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Hi ive been thinking about buying one or a few Dorichthys martensii. Any information i can find on the net seems to contradict other info and im not 100% sure how to keep them. id really appreciate any info that people have on them especially if someone has already kept them succesfully.

The points that im unsure of are

:-The maximum size they reach. I have read they grow 20cm but i have also read that they grow only 12cm
:-The minimum size tank they require
:-Are they solitary or do the enjoy company

My main concern is there eventual size they can reach. I know that alot of info on the net say's they reach 20cm but i cannot find any thing to actually back that up and i cant find any one who has ever kept them at such a length.

I would really appreciate it if any body can shed any light on these fish

Thanks, Lloyd
Your only real problem is feeding. So long as you can confirm the pipefish species on sale, you can ensure the right water chemistry (some brackish species are sold as freshwater species, complicating maintenance). Once feeding, pipefish are actually pretty "hardy" fish. They're sociable, don't move about much, and given a planted habitat, won't hide away much.

But feeding really is a big deal. Live foods only, and more than once daily. Live brine shrimp will work initially, and brine shrimp nauplii may be used routinely. But you will need bloodworms, daphnia, and other such foods to round out the diet. If you can source live foods yourself, every day of the year, then you're fine. But even if you have a pond in your garden, it may be frozen part of the year, making the need for a secondary source crucial.

Cheers, Neale
Hi thanks for the reply. the feedng isnt a problem for me im just unsure on the eventual size the pipefish i mentioned can reach. hey are strictly freshwaterfish
Hi thanks for the reply. the feedng isnt a problem for me im just unsure on the eventual size the pipefish i mentioned can reach. hey are strictly freshwaterfish
Hi mate, I love these fish but rarely offered for sale. I'd be grateful if could tell where to get some? Cheers

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