Agggghhhh dangit - poor little Duncan frag.
Not safe in the mantis tank and not safe in the 55 either. It really did not have a good glue job, which I couldn't tell just by looking at it. I startled the big hermit when I walked in the room, it jumped back a tad to just barely bump the Duncan, and pop! One disembodied Duncan head. Could just as easily have been me bumping it by accident with my tongs if all it took was that small of a nudge to dislodge it.
It looks like it was set directly on the ceramic plate and then just had a ring of glue put around the outside with nothing acutally cementing the two surfaces together where they touched. So little glue! The coral had put a tiny bit of tissue on the plate near its middle that got ripped unfortunately. The ceramic plate was covered in pods and all sorts of junk that looked no good to expose damaged tissue to, so I grabbed a square of some more sterile plastic sheeting, made a big mount of super glue, and pushed the frag down on it to completely seal up where it was damaged along with the exposed skeleton. I've read of using fast-acting glue to heal this type of frag injury and thought it better to act fast than let muck get into the damaged area, so fingers are crossed. The frag is opening back up after being placed in the makeshift refugium, so I'm hoping for the best.
I guess the glue alone might have protected the frag from the ceramic plate, perhaps making the plastic alternative unnecessary, but there was so much junk on it I didn't want to take the chance. If all goes well, my plan is to take hobby knife and trim the plastic down to a small lip around the edges once the frag is in better shape and then cover the plastic in epoxy putty on both sides to make a new plug that supports the thin plastic and will work better for sticking onto rock. At least I know now not to take my local reefers' frag gluing styles for granted. I'm a tad worried about the other two now, although they do look more substantially attached.
That was my thinking, to just have a dedicated magnet for it and probably decorate with some rubble to make it look a little more presentable. I put a small scratch in my 20gal with a mag float due to my darned engineer goby forcing sand into the scrubbing part where I couldn't see it, so I only use magnets to hold down snail food now and do all my glass cleaning with long-handled scrubbers.
I might end up doing a platform too with a couple of magnets come to think of it...small shelf on one side and gorg on the other maybe? I really would like a way to be able to keep things out of hermity reach after this last incident, even though the problem was total accident rather than malicious intent.

It looks like it was set directly on the ceramic plate and then just had a ring of glue put around the outside with nothing acutally cementing the two surfaces together where they touched. So little glue! The coral had put a tiny bit of tissue on the plate near its middle that got ripped unfortunately. The ceramic plate was covered in pods and all sorts of junk that looked no good to expose damaged tissue to, so I grabbed a square of some more sterile plastic sheeting, made a big mount of super glue, and pushed the frag down on it to completely seal up where it was damaged along with the exposed skeleton. I've read of using fast-acting glue to heal this type of frag injury and thought it better to act fast than let muck get into the damaged area, so fingers are crossed. The frag is opening back up after being placed in the makeshift refugium, so I'm hoping for the best.

I guess the glue alone might have protected the frag from the ceramic plate, perhaps making the plastic alternative unnecessary, but there was so much junk on it I didn't want to take the chance. If all goes well, my plan is to take hobby knife and trim the plastic down to a small lip around the edges once the frag is in better shape and then cover the plastic in epoxy putty on both sides to make a new plug that supports the thin plastic and will work better for sticking onto rock. At least I know now not to take my local reefers' frag gluing styles for granted. I'm a tad worried about the other two now, although they do look more substantially attached.
Use a mag if you like just be sure it's one that you don't mind losing as one the gorgs attached you won't be able to use it (obviously)
That was my thinking, to just have a dedicated magnet for it and probably decorate with some rubble to make it look a little more presentable. I put a small scratch in my 20gal with a mag float due to my darned engineer goby forcing sand into the scrubbing part where I couldn't see it, so I only use magnets to hold down snail food now and do all my glass cleaning with long-handled scrubbers.
I might end up doing a platform too with a couple of magnets come to think of it...small shelf on one side and gorg on the other maybe? I really would like a way to be able to keep things out of hermity reach after this last incident, even though the problem was total accident rather than malicious intent.