Thankfully everything was back to normal by the evening and all critters are still accounted for. My best guess for now is that some critter in there got a bit toxic for whatever reason and perhaps the fish that died either harassed it directly or ate a bit of it, so perhaps it got a stronger dose of what was just an irritant otherwise. There are little sea cucumbers that are very common on LR from the region where most of mine came from, so it wouldn't surprise me at all if something like that had been in there the whole time and I hadn't seen it. After all, the pistol shrimp colony the rock brought was unseen for over a year and there is still something I see periodically at night that is small and lightning fast as it darts between the rocks, so there are still mysteries in this tank even though the 'scape is sparse. Anyway, I either guess the carbon I put in mopped up the mess or whatever it was decomposed, since the WC I did wouldn't have been enough to return things to normal if there was a toxin about. Adding to the chemical irritant hypotheis, my right arm has not been too happy since that event. That arm was in that tank a lot up to the elbow as I was doing the WC and rigging up the carbon, but my left arm stayed pretty much dry. I had long sleeved shirts on the rest of the day and kept wondering why I had an itchy arm; my lower arm where I had it in the tank has been breaking out in rashes and little blister things since that morning, although it's getting better. One more reason on top of the longspine for me to remember to wear gloves I guess.