Dardanus hermits are on a short hold for the moment since there is a particular LFS I want to get them from and it will be a bit before they can get some. Instead, the same LFS had two immature tank-bred maroons from a state over. Seeing as how my husband was there too and he does the opposite of curbing fishy spending, you can probably guess what's in my tank now.
Now, given that these are maroons, I did not just plop them out of the bag into the tank together and walk out of the room assuming it would be all rainbows and butterflies of happiness. I know the species is tricky to work with and the introduction is going slowly because of that. I also have my 20gal as a backup temporary location if it ever looks to be heading south. With watchful and carefully controlled introduction so far, the dominance heirarchy appears to have been sorted with zero damage to either fish - which is one step in the right direction. Of course, I'm not about to leave them to it while I walk out of the room just yet, but I'm optimistic that unruly animal behavior will not outwit me (it won't be the first set of evil fish I've had to work with). I'll post more details on the progress later.
On another note, the mantis rock produced a baby Mithraculus forceps late last night. It's now sitting in a covered tub, since I have no ideal tank for it currently. Given that, it'll be interesting to see if I'm able to hold to my goal of not putting up any new tanks beyond the mantis's. If I can grow the crab bigger I would love to have it in the 55gal, but where to grow it bigger is a small issue despite the number of sw tanks I have...
- 20gal: would do the eating if it molted a couple times
- 3gal mantis tank: definitely would be eaten
- 1.5gal hermit tank: probably eaten, since that big female hermit from my other tank journal is a meanie
- Tub with big hermits: high probability of being squashed by accident and probably too cold to grow fast
- Tub with Euterpean green crab: would be eaten immediately
- 1gal native hermit bowl: maybe not eaten, but probably savaged immediately
- Horse conch bowl: feels iffy since I don't know the full dietary range of the snail.
Also despite being on the salty side for 5 or so years now using only a swing arm (I was sure I was going to get some harsh words for that
), the refractometer told me my readings were all bang-on, so all is good in that department.
That's what you get when you order from hong kong I guess.
I wish your refractometer good luck in its lengthy travels. I've had some awful luck with packages lately and really expected mine to arrive as a pile of rubble!