Anyone seen the product that prolongues water life? I bought it because it kills off the phosphate that was giving me bad algae problems however it also states that because it injects trace elements etc. it will reduce stress to the fish by allowing the same water to be used for upto 6 months, all you need to do is add the salty solution to the tank every week and have an air stone
waters looked the best ive ever seen it, anyone else tried it?
i'm beginning to think my tap water is worse than having my biologically filtered water in the tank, afterall im now not adding phosphates and chlorine weekly into my tank, that was destoyed days ago, the product nutralises nitrates, nitrites and any other baddies that may build up in a time where i'd normally have done 24 water changes.
also if the fish eat the green jelly substance, its not harmful or toxic to them, which is good cos the cichlid took a big gulp when it hit the water!!!
heres a pic of the bottle and the description below:
Eliminates frequent water changes. Keeps aquarium water biologically balanced for 6 months. Stabilizes pH and alkalinity. (KH) levels for fish and plants. Reduces phosphate levels for improved water quality - reduces aglae growth. Also adds vitamins and trace elements. Use 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons weekly. Freshwater use only.
Removes phosphate from tap water and prevents its accumulation as a byproduct of digestion and energy metabolism
Adds Vitamins, Minerals and Trace Elements
Super-fuels natural microorganisms that digest fish waste. Enhances biological filtration
With EasyBalance, necessary water changes go from biweekly or over 25 times per year to twice per year.
Well, its in my tank, the fish seem happy for now, my nitrate and nitrite levels are between 0-5, barely show on my stick. the ph has dropped to about 6.8, and the hardness has dropped by about a 15% i dont have a phosphate measurement but i usually have some algae by now, i so far have none, but the plants look good, it seriously looks like ive just done a water change today, my missus came in and said "wow that waters so clear" i had to proceed to show her the bottle, and that i had cheated a little!
i'll keep an eye on the results, keep cleaning my filters as normal and see how we go, as it needs lots of aeration im guessing it breaks it down then the agitated surface must release some toxins, aswell as the neutralising salts that go in like jelly suspension weekly
I can understand why people would find it hard to get out of the water changing habit, but with water companies these days adding, removing, leaving in, all manner of chemicals and hormones ( dont forget ours are in it too!) you dont know if you're doing harm or any good
remember the filterless planted tanks, they worked, but its not to everyones taste...
anyone else trying this product?
here you go guys, a website about all its properties and what the sceptics say:
have a good read.
they do stress that if you leave food in the tank or overstock to 1.5cm per gallon or over you will have problems and the products effectiveness will be degraded - naturally. but as for the waste, the crystals that go in with the solution take care of weekly deposits, though i could see it struggling with 10 adult piranhas poop... or maybe not if you put the proper dosage in, ratios the same
im going by the rule of 'if i can see it, it must be removed', be it poo, food etc. that way im not pushing the limits, however the water change will not happen, for a while at least, or if my readings get out of hand.
also, cost wise, it may seem a little expensive at first, but if you think of the amount of time you can spend doing a water change, especially if your tank isnt just slung in your garage, but in a posh lving room, together with the cost of the gallons of water you tip on your garden weekly, plus dechlorinators, plant fertilisers, algae removers, and so on, total that up and you'd happily pay someone £1 per 10 gallons a month to avoid the mess and stress to you and your fishes.
Someone else give it a try, i doubt hardly anyone here has not had to deal with a recent pain in the ass problem with their tank