Dont Think Fish Is Well!dead


Fish Aficionado
Jan 1, 2006
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Going to pop in to town to get my replacement betta from last weekend one of those tanks from Wilkos. Slightly bigger than I usually get but cant be bothered to go to other wholesalers to get one.

Trouble is this replacement betta is OK but he hasnt made be a bubble nest or flared yet dont think he likes his bowl,is it because I didnt pick him? He isnt really attractive.
I will have to look in the aquatic centre on my way home so please all pray that they have NO bettas that look :sick: :lol: :lol:
Maybe he's just taking time to settle in Liz. Not all of mine bubblenest straight away but then most don't get the chance as they have water movement from filters. Would be like completing a Kyrpton Factor Challenge for them :lol:

Good luck at the aquatic centre and not buying another betta :D
:D I didnt buy one. They had 3 in but they were all ok....phew!
:S OMG I nearly killed replo, my replacement fishy. Set his new tank up and floated him in a plastic container to get the water OK. ..turned my back the container overturned and he floated sideways to the bottom. Put him back in quick...I think it was difference in temp....that scared me...thought I had killed him :fun:
:S I really dont think this is a well Betta. He has hardly ate since I got him, hasnt flared once. You can also see like a black shadow near front of his body. He spends most of his time at the top of tank right at the water line. I was just watching him and you can actually see his gills going in and out and you cant on my other bettas. He is also moving his small front fins really fast. Any ideas?
The black shadow could be a ammonia burn that is now healing, i think i would try a bacterial med on him like myxazin, but increase aeration in the tank.
OK I put an air stone in about an hour ago, turned temp up tiny bit. the black shadow is actualy inside him...he doesnt look very well at all. he cant swim down...could it be sb?
:X where is everyone. I am just leaving him now he has an air stone going which he is ignoring I have put a bit of aqua sat in and some swim bladder meds but only a bit. I am just going to give him some space. if he dies I am definitely not getting any more from that shop. I cant think of anything else to do for him. :look:
Don't really know what is going on there Liz but the poor little fella doesn't sound well. Does he try and go to the bottom or is he just sitting at the top. If they are not well then they try and stay near the surface so they don't have so far to go to take a breath and if they are poorly they are sometimes breathing hard and might need air more often.

Just keep him nice and quiet and hopefully he'll perk up for you.

That shop is probably not a good place to visit anymore :/
he is close to the top, I have just opened a packet of bloodworms but he isnt interested. He has gone paler and his eyes are not as shiney, so I think he will be gone by tomorrow. I really think he has something internal with that shadow. At least he is in nice clean warm water. :(
I was going to reply that the one I have now doesn't build nests. He did only about 2 but now speeds around under the bubbles that come up from his corner box filter.....letting machines do his work for him. :lol:
Hope all turns out well for yours.....let us know.
:( no, he is dead. He is laying on botom of tank, not a mark on him no fungus etc. his fins are lovely not torn but his gills are very red and he has that dark shape in his tummy. I am a silly b......r I just had a few tears. I really am not going to get any more from that shop. I shall leave him in his tank for the morning. We are doing a car boot so shall have to get on. Thanks for help. -_- :fish: :rip: little Replo.

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