Don't Leave Your Dog In Your Car!

Mar 17, 2005
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"Police and the RSPCA are warning dog owners not to leave their pets in hot cars after an animal died in a garden centre car park";

Full report:
"The Newfoundland dog was one of two locked in a car at Blooms Garden Centre in Wroughton, Wiltshire, on Wednesday - the hottest day of the year.

The animals were left in the boot of the Hyundai for four hours, and rapidly became dehydrated in 34C temperatures.

One died and the other was left seriously ill, but is now recovering.

RSPCA Inspector Steph Daly said: "This is a grim reminder of what can happen if animals are left in such circumstances.

"The temperature can rise very quickly within a vehicle and although many believe that leaving windows open and providing the animal with water will ensure that they remain hydrated, this is not the case.

"Animals should not be left in a car at all on a warm day."

The dead dog's owners have been interviewed by the RSPCA and the organisation is considering whether to press charges in relation to the case."

The article says it all really. Would you leave a child in a car for hours on end, or even less than an hour? No? Then don't do it to your animals either.
Even opening a window or two can do very little, as once the car is motionless it acts as a greenhouse. IMHO, This story was a complete act of irresponsability and stupidity -_- . I would also like to remind people that this does not just apply to dogs, but all animals (including fish) left in cars or made to go on long hot journeys. You should be especially vigilant of your animals especially in this exceptionally dry and hot weather.

I would also like to add that if you do have to take your pets in your car, you should take a large bottle of water and bowl for them to have a drink out of when you reach your destination :nod: .
What fool would do that. The poor dog people know themselves when there in traffic jams it gets hot in a still car what irresponsible owner would leave there dog in a car in this heat for Four hours anyway? oooo makes me mad!
If people dont no how to care for dogs, then they shouldt get them. Nasty way to die.
I would also like to add that with leaving your windows open in your car to rely on them keeping your animals cool on hot days, there is another fault with this- it also leaves your car (and pet) open to being stolen. No car says "steal me!" more than one with open windows :sly: .
Ungh. I *hate* people who leave dogs, cats, and any other animal in their car. There has been so much media coverage and education about it that it truly boggles my mind that anyone still does this. When I was in Utah, it was about 100 degrees out, and some dolt left 2 beagles in the car to have lunch at a restaurant, with the windows open the tiniest bit. Anyone who has ever sat in a parked car in the sun, even with windows all the way open, knows it gets HOT in there, fast. And these two dogs were going to be in there for a good half hour while this moron ate! At any rate, I called the police, and the guy was forced to leave and drive the dogs back home on the risk of being charged with cruel neglect. Maybe if every person who left a dog in a car got a good scare like that from the police, they'd just friggen stop.
Another thing I sometimes do if I see a dog in a car but don't have a phone on me, or know I'm somewhere where police are indifferent, is to place a pamphlet about the dangers of leaving animals in cars in the heat on the car's windshield for the owner to find when they return. I imagine in some cases it could just be ignorance, so I hope becoming educated will change their ways.
You can find those leafletts here on API's webpage. They also have a "My Dog is Cool" pledge to not leave your dog in a hot car, ever; you can post a pic of your dog and the pledge on their gallery. Its cute, and by fowarding the gallery to your friends, you can help educate them about the dangers of hot cars.
Very sad and no matter how many times this Happens people still take dogs out and leave them in the cars.I personally wont take our dogs out in the car in this weather and i limet where i go so i can stay at home with the dogs
I would also like to add that with leaving your windows open in your car to rely on them keeping your animals cool on hot days, there is another fault with this- it also leaves your car (and pet) open to being stolen. No car says "steal me!" more than one with open windows :sly: .

There is also another danger with that theory - electric windows. Dog sticks head out of window, stands on button for electric window. You can imagine the rest.
I would also like to add that with leaving your windows open in your car to rely on them keeping your animals cool on hot days, there is another fault with this- it also leaves your car (and pet) open to being stolen. No car says "steal me!" more than one with open windows :sly: .

There is also another danger with that theory - electric windows. Dog sticks head out of window, stands on button for electric window. You can imagine the rest.

True, thats another good point- that could also be very nasty :/ .
Now, this is just a question and I don't want to offend anyone, but why leave a dog in the car in the first place? If you have to go somewhere where they don't allow dogs, then leave the dog at home. As far as I know, they can go into the Vet's and a large chain pet store and that's pretty much it, barring the cafe, restaurant, beach, park, or boutique that allows dogs at the establishment owner's discretion. How hard can it be to drop off the dog and then run your errands? And if it's too far, then organize your time better and take care of your dog first. I don't know, I love taking my dogs places, but I make sure they're allowed to go where I'm going before I make that kind of decision. If they're not allowed, don't take them, that simple. I hear it's a horrible way to die, what a waste. Sorry for the rant, but I am really curious. It doesn't seem like the brightest idea to me, but that's just my opinion.
Now, this is just a question and I don't want to offend anyone, but why leave a dog in the car in the first place? If you have to go somewhere where they don't allow dogs, then leave the dog at home. As far as I know, they can go into the Vet's and a large chain pet store and that's pretty much it, barring the cafe, restaurant, beach, park, or boutique that allows dogs at the establishment owner's discretion. How hard can it be to drop off the dog and then run your errands? And if it's too far, then organize your time better and take care of your dog first. I don't know, I love taking my dogs places, but I make sure they're allowed to go where I'm going before I make that kind of decision. If they're not allowed, don't take them, that simple. I hear it's a horrible way to die, what a waste. Sorry for the rant, but I am really curious. It doesn't seem like the brightest idea to me, but that's just my opinion.

I agree if i have to go out and i dont just mean just in hot weather i arrange it so i do my dogs late morning walk then go out and make sure i am back before the late afternoon walk.I adore all of my Dogs so living my life round them is the only option i would consider
A friend of mine was at Tesco last week, there was a bit of commotion, and the police were called, someone had left their baby in the car in heat over 31 C, the poor baby was brought out of the car (luckily still alive) bright red, it had been in the car over an hour, as the ambulance came the "mother" turned up, she hadn't even been in Tescos, If the police hadn't been there I wouldn't have liked to be in her shoes, there was some serious aggression around her. When the baby had gone in the ambulance and one police car had taken the mother away, a person came up to one of the police men and said "while you are here, can you help, someones left their dog in the car and I think it's dying". Will people nver learn, or do they really not care that much??
A friend of mine was at Tesco last week, there was a bit of commotion, and the police were called, someone had left their baby in the car in heat over 31 C, the poor baby was brought out of the car (luckily still alive) bright red, it had been in the car over an hour, as the ambulance came the "mother" turned up, she hadn't even been in Tescos, If the police hadn't been there I wouldn't have liked to be in her shoes, there was some serious aggression around her. When the baby had gone in the ambulance and one police car had taken the mother away, a person came up to one of the police men and said "while you are here, can you help, someones left their dog in the car and I think it's dying". Will people nver learn, or do they really not care that much??

Thats terible, both for the dog and the baby- two stupid mistakes in one day in the same place! Some people really shouldn't be allowed to keep pets, or have children for that matter. But ah well, i suppose that day will never come- best try and prevent these sorts of things happening as often as we can.
Normally the weather over here is not very hot or sunny, so i suppose some irresponsable people have just got used to doing these sorts of things and not properly paying the consequences -_- .
I read that artical and thought why are they thinking about whether or not to press charges. Seem obvious that in this weather your pet will die or suffer greatly and therefore it's blatant cruelty. Like everyone lese says, why do you need to take your pets anywhere if you are just going to leave them locked in the car. And as for someone leaving their kid (especially a baby), just shows where her mind was...
I read an article a looong time ago about a couple of people who left two kids in the car while they went to pick mushrooms. By the time they returned, I think it was 4 hours later, both kids were dead and had been pulling out their hair before death, crazed by the heat. :no:
Almost made me sick to my stomach just reading about it, I can't imagine how horrible a death like that must be, for people OR animals. I don't think the warning not to leave pets or children in the car can be strong enough. :sad:

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