Done Something Silly

I bought some of the Kleen Off. I tested the tank this morning ready to add my first dose of Kleen off and was very suprised to see some more promising results
Ammonia: 0, Nitrate 50, Nitrite off the scale.
I had a plant that had died but I only removed a few days ago so that must have helped the cycle. I did add 2.5ml of Ammonia to keep the bacteria fed, I believe this is the correct thing to do?
After adding the ammonia I only got readings of 0.5/1 ppm, I havent added anymore as I tested withing seconds of adding it and I didnt want to add too much. Is this ok?
I think you're doing it right. As I understand you want the ammonia to drop to 0 within 24 hours of adding it, so don't add any more just yet. It sounds like you're partway through the cycle. Now you need to get the nitrites down to 0 too.
That sounds good.  You don't need to add ammonia every day now, just a little once every few days while you wait for nitrite to hit zero.  Then go back to a full dose of ammonia until all the ammonia and nitrite is processed within 24 hours (some people say 12 hours).
Well the tank cycled and is holding the levels well.we added 4 dwarf puffers and something went horribly wrong. Three of the puffers are just laid on the floor after 3 days and don't look too healthy. The levels are still good so I don't know what went wrong.
How did you acclimate the fish?
And what exactly are the good levels?
When you see your fish laying at the bottom, do an immediate large 70-80% water change(just leave enough room for the fish to swim) with temperature matched and dechlorinated water.
They were drip acclimatised. Readings are consistently 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites and a small reading of nitrate.
How long did you drip acclimate them? (Please keep in mind we're trying to help, not accusing you of bad methods or anything.) Your levels all sound good, so this is a puzzler. As snazy said, do an large water change and let us know what happens. So sorry you're going through this.
I hope you used a bucket that has been used for only your tank to acclimatize them? That's the only thing I can think of :/
My parents are the worst for ruining my fish tank buckets, they think it's fine to wash the car with them! Then when I come to do a water change, bubbles appear when I'm taking some water out
They were drip acclimatised for around an hour. Would this kill them 4 days after them been introduced? The bucket we used is the same one we use for the other tank too and isnt used for anything else. They this morning are in a very bad way,laying on the bottom breathing slowly. I can only see two,one looks slightly puffed and the other emancipated. I really don't know what I can do to save the.'ll,and as I can't discover what did it, how to prevent the same thing happening to any other fish I put in there. They were happy for the first two days, they were exploring etc. We did have trouble getting them to feed but managed to coax them in to eating a couple of bloodworm a day.
Did you do a large water change just before adding the fish? Have you done a large water change since? Do a large (80%) water change using temperature matched dechlorinated water to see if that helps at all. Get some Seachem Prime for your dechlorinator.
Yes I changed the water before adding them and did an 80% change today. No improvement and they look so ill. I will upload a picture

Very Sick Puffers:

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