Done a full test, ideas?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Gloucestershire, UK
Just done a full test

pH - between 7.5 & 8 (inbetween colours on the chart)
GH - 14dh
KH - 9dh
Amonia - 0
Nitrate - 25ppm

NITRITE - very red.

This was carried out 4 hours after a 50% water change & im very worried about the nitrite level! My tap water is fine, could it be i have uncycled my tank? Think it may have been the missus putting in water without adding dechlorinator that killed all the good bacteria!

Fish are all very happy & active though (platies & 2 angels)

Thanks in advance.
Join the club. my nitritres at 10. I got something that absorbs the nitrate and am doing a test in a few minutes.
Mine has been going 2 months.

Levels were pretty good, but i have a feeling chlorinated water has killed the good bacteria and sent me back to stage 1.

Are the rest of my levels ok? have i tested too early for the nitrites to be down?
The rest of your levels look okay, yes. You wonder if the tank has "uncycled" - did the cycle complete before, ie have your nitrites ever been at 0? The readings imply that the tank is partially cycled, with no ammonia but some nitrates, but that you're going through the nitrite spike which can last a while.
Nitrites were at zero before, thing is, that was before i found this forum!

3 days they were zero & we got fish as all was ok with the fish place.

Think it may have been too soon, so i guess ive gotta bare with it, add no fish, feed every 3 days or so.

sound ok?
Yes, 'fraid so - no more fish yet, feed sparingly, and carry on with those big water changes, till the nitrite gets to zero and stays there. Frustrating hobby sometimes isn't it? But worth it! :)
Right then, heres the big question!

Im getting a new tank tomorrow, upgrading my 30 x 15 x 12 to a 48 x 18 x 12.

Have the filters for the new tank running in my currents tank. As my levels are like they are, can i basically go straight into the new tank as they wont be too different? will they?
As long as you have the same load(fish,gravel, plants,dec) then it should stay the same. Have your Nitrite reach 0 yet?. If not you could purchase a bag of Nitro-zorb to help you out on the Nitrite spike, it's like a carbon except it eliminate ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates...Good luck
I may get some of that then mate, cheers.

I will have the same fish, orniments, filters (running new one in current tank), fake plants & ill use current gravel, along with some new gravel as the new tank is bigger.

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