Dojo Loach


New Member
Oct 2, 2005
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Okay, here we go...

My Dojo isn't growing, obviously. She's seemed to have maxed out at five-six inches, despite the food and the conditions.

I do my research, they say eight to ten. It's been three months with only her and the skunk botia (the shark jumped to his death, RIP) and she's not growing. Should I be worrying that I've dwarfed her or has she slowed her growth spurt?
Fish keep growing throughout their entire lives, right up until the day they die. The maximum size of a fish is related to how big they would be at this point. The older the fish gets, the slower they grow. With your fish more then half grown it's not surprising that you haven't seen growth in 3 months. I'm sure there has been, but it's going to be slow now, and seeing the fish every day makes it very hard to notice growth, even over long periods of time. Don't worry so much about growth, just make sure you are doing your best for it, and enjoy them. Don't try to overfeed to get it to grow faster - it might work to a certain point but it isn't healthy for the fish.
Hey, thanks....I was just wondering, since she seemed to be growing so fast before, then just seemed to hit a brick wall.

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