Doing 1st Fishlesscycle


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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Im doing my first fishless cylce without the aid of bits from mature filter/tank.

Started 3 weeks ago. Put enough ammonia in to read 5-6ppm.

Readings dropped to about 3-4 after 2 weeks. No change since. Have no lid for tank yet so water does evaporate. When I've been topping up the tank with fresh water for last week, I haven't dechlorinated it.

Could this have killed off some/all of bateria?
yeah it could of had alot to do with it.

it would kill bacteria.


Should I top up the ammonia back to 5-6ppm again or just leave the bacteria to buil up again?
You need to top up to 5ppm each time your levels have dropped down near to 0ppm. As Jay Jay said. Constantly adding undechlorinated tap water has probably knackered all your ammonia eating bacteria every time which is why not much has happened yet. My tank took about a week to be bringing 5ppm of ammonia down to 0ppm in 24 hours. Don't give up, it's just a minor set back. I assume your doing the add & wait method from the post in my signature? B)
yep using the add and wait method. Lots of waiting tho not so much adding :)

Levels havent got any where near 0 yet so no point adding more ammonia yet then.

Thought, no fishies in there, don't need to dechlorinate yet. :blush: One of my blonde moments lol.

Never mind, we learn from our mistakes. i do any way.
Don't feel bad, didn't think you needed dechorinator either, but now my tank is finally cycled, so just be patient, and you'll know next time. :D

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