Doh !


Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester UK
I called into a faily large lfs today, whilst I was on my travels. About 50 miles from home so not local to me but it must be to a lot of people. Anyway the tanks were stocked with all the usual fish, you all know the script. The thing is I asked at the counter if they had andy Killi's in. The reply................

"What do you mean, Ive never heard of them, Are they something to do with fish?"


I left without saying any more. :-(

Be careful, these morons are passing themselfs off as the experts. My advise to all you beginners is to ask here for sound dependable answers. Most of us know a thing or two about fish and if one doesn't another will. Thanks to TFF.
eh good advice.i learnt the hard way when i was advised to get a baby (tiny tiny(albino oscar for my 10gallon he is HUGE and lives in my 200gal happily.who knows what would ov happened if i didnt have tff and left him in the 10
Some species of killifish, especially the africian Aphyosemions (Fundulopanchax) & Nothobranchius genre in my opinion rank as some of the most colourful and vibrant species of tropical fish there are. For so called aquarists not to have heard or seen pictures of at least one of these jewels is beyond comprehension. What other species are they unable to give advice about.
I don't so much have a problem with the fact that the person had never heard of killies, these things happen. But a better response would have been

"I am not familiar with that variety of fish, but we can order just about anything. Do you have the scientific name?"

Actually most lfs don't carry killies, because they tend to be more expensive and more difficult to keep alive. They aren't the best choice for inventory from a business point of view. So, it really isn't the attendant's fault to never have come across them. But if possible I wish people would at least TRY to not sound like an idiot...but don't pretend you know either. Hmmm, maybe that is asking too much...
It's not about whether or not they stock killies. For goodness sake - a shop that sells tropical freshwater fish should know about all fish - not just the ones they stock.
But I've come to understand that people live in their own little worlds and it's only what goes on immediately around them that matters.
I'm not saying that everyone should know everything, but come on ! That's their job and livelihood. I do find it hard to understand :no:
Jen If you look at the avatar of me and BigC you will see two pictures of the most colourful fish ever imo. They are harder to keep than most fish but well worth the effort don't you think ?
Yep, surely if they can sell Oscars and suchlike which not many people (especially newbies) have the facilities to keep, surely they should at least know about killies?

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