Dogs Needing Homes Or Resue Spaces Beacause They R Out Of Time & W

fish bowl

New Member
Nov 21, 2005
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>>>>>>>>>>please try & help


No. 1 & 2 = Sasha and Bonny - 3 year old sisters - chipped- owner no longer at the address due to unforseen circumstances and the dogs have nowhere to live. THEY HAVE ONLY BEEN ABLE TO BE FED TWICE SINCE LAST WEDNESDAY. Access was not possible. They are not up to date with their vaccs. They are used to children and believed to be good family dogs. Up to now they have always lived together. Family devastated but the girls are now in the pound through no fault of their own.
PTS date Wednesday 30th November (although they can go anytime as have been signed over).

No. 3 = Possibly called Cassie - aged approx 9 months - female - SBT X EBT maybe. Lovely happy dog - was in a house with a female standard Wire Haired Dachshund.
PTS date Thursday 1st December.

No. 4 = Puppy - male - 10-12 weeks, lovely condition.
PTS date Friday 2nd December.SORTED:D

No. 5 = Female - very thin, a bit timid but nice - approx 18 months-2 years. Looks like a smooth coated Pharoah Hound Cross.
PTS date Thursday 1st December

If you think that you may be able to help any of these dogs (they need to go into rescue or very experienced foster homes as have not been assessed) then please contact Rochdale Dog Rescue on 07914 936942 (Sue - days only) or 07917 542856 (Coryn- evenings and weekends only
Im assuming PTS date means being put to sleep, right?

If so, i think its probably just a way to get them rehomed quickly as im 99% sure that rescues in this country will NOT put any animal to sleep as long as its healthy. They are often sent to different rescues but not put to sleep.

And they would never put a 10 week old puppy to sleep.

Of course these dogs need homes but i dont think they should say they're going to be put to sleep when they're not. And if they are then the rescue should be ashamed.. :no:
they nt in a resue they r in a pound
& they will put anything to sleep :-( :-(& will put to sleep the little pup
so they need a resue space or experienced foster homes
so can any1 help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see i was thinking that too.
i don't know any kennels around that really put healthy dogs to sleep, it's silly
but lots of kennels get dogs moved around the country. if the dog is in say cornwall and lots of dogs are waiting for homes there, and there's somewhere in wales with a shortage, take dogs there, see fill the gaps, don't kill perfectly good doggies.
We dont have 'pounds' do we?! :/ The RSPCA or whatever pic them up and they go into rescue/rehoming centres...

I really think this is a way of getting quick homes and is really sick! What an awful thing to do!!
i no :/

they get picked up from the street get put in the pound for a week & if no owner come forward than they get put down :sad: :sad: :sad:
i no :/

they get picked up from the street get put in the pound for a week & if no owner come forward than they get put down :sad: :sad: :sad:

Um.. I thought the first ones had a family who were very upset -_- It all sounds a bit strange to me.

And you cant take animals off the street and kill them :blink: That could be someones pet thats escaped!!
So which "pound" exactly where are they ?
Apart from a forum board they are linked to, there is no other info that I can see -_-
When googling that phone number, it throws up another dog related webstite, but all the forums are locked.
on yr profile it says animal welfare
so can u help
I wish I could :( but I don't have a house with a garden at the moment. I've rescued and rehomed dogs before but I'm not working as vet nurse anymore.
Hope they find good homes ! Every little helps (to advertise them).
A few of my own friends have animals that perhaps wouldn't otherwise have had homes if it wasn't for me.
I know there are places (in the UK) that put animals to sleep, even though it's not their official policy. But a lot goes on behind closed doors.

Well done for trying to help :thumbs:
if any1 is a member of any other Forums please post bout the dog

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