Doggies In The Snow :)

the pup with snow on his nose is adorable

and how come i didnt get any snow
(its the only time of the year when the kids get to tell me to behave :lol: )
:grr: Everywhere ACCEPT! Birmingham got snow!! I Heard londons FULL of it :(!!

I Mean! Why is it everywhere else!? i see on the news "Theres going to be snow In the North East and South And Proberly.. The West..." Umm Yea.. "Proberly" Means no !! :sly: I Dont think i'll see much of this "White Chrismas!"

MY dog's yet to see snow yet but when it does snow i'd imagine it'll hate it ! It wont go out in the rain at all! Silly pug

Curses!!!... I'm yet to see snow... it sounds like fun!.. (& I'm almost 60)
wait wait wait?

of course you've seen snow ONCE In your life?

Cant Be true :good:

Well Hey! If you get bored im sure we'd all like to throw a snow ball at The misses When she's annoying :D If she asks why

you reply

"Im 16 again!" Then Smile Like this :hyper: And run down the street shouting "im Sixteen!!" Then continuesly Throw snow balls at people

Me Personly

LOVE the snow.

Made a Igloo Once.

Around 2006? Took me 4-5 Hours to make.. Just me and my nabour.

Then the next day i got bored and decided to try Build my own from scratch.

Failed utterly as i ran out of snow! :lol:
Lol. Snow's a regular occurrence here. Loli hates it. She's a little chihuahua mix (mostly chihuahua) so she's not suited for the snow in the first place. We have to force her to go outside for fear she's going to get another UTI and then it's like quick out then back in :p It's funny though, sometime's it's like -20 or lower with windshield. Her paws get numb so she holds them up high in the air. It's so cute. Then she'll get to the point she thinks she can't walk anymore so we have to go rescue her. One time the wind was blowing hard enough it made her fall over into the snow. I laughed so hard and my mom was all like 'awwh poor baby!' and she ran out to get her :p Still, that was so hilarious. I still laugh about it.

BTW, she was fine. A couple seconds inside and wrapped up in a blanket and she was back to her normal, spoiled self.

EDIT: And Ludwig, I can relate. I only saw snow twice when I was younger and lived in East Texas. Then we freaked out over half an inch. Now I've moved to the north and it's like 'oh, we're getting 20 inches this week? No biggie'
2nd pic 6. can't believe i'm missing all the snow, i love the snow. still at least is 30C where i am. :cool:
I don't have dogs but I have plenty of snow! We've had an unusual amount of snow this year, over 45 inches since October, and it's not over yet.

Great pics everyone, any more puppies in the snow?
my 9 month pug loves the snow first time friday

also my brother has a 9 month old new foundland first time in snow aswell friday

hoggle (the pug) gets rolled around by indi (the newfoundland) whos favourite games is to sweep snow off the wall with her head and stamp in it

for those of you who dont know what a newfoundland is heres a pic off google imagine one playing with a pug funny to see


although that one looks kinda ugly compared to my brothers
yeah shes a right looney lol

nah shes well behaved really
looks like a labby from the acient times reminds me of gandalf frm LOTR LOL!

Still cute though :good:
yeah they do look a bit like labs except there alot furrier and bigger than a st bernard

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